I know these last couple years have been a rollercoaster and at some point, you never thought you would get off. That's the thing though, you never get off. What's the point of wishing for something that can never happen when you can make life great just by getting through the rough patches. Life is beautiful and goes by so fast, so appreciate the very little time you get. Keep fighting for that beauty.
As you start to forgive yourself and others for the pain they caused you. Do not forget what you learned from those experiences. They have made you grow and become a better person. You would not be the best person you could be without them.
I constantly struggle with the undeniable fact that not everyone is going to like you and you shouldn't have to change for anyone except yourself. I've learned though, that if someone doesn't like you that's okay, learn to accept it and don't change what you're doing. But always try to become a better person than who you were but at the same time appreciate all the hard work you have put into yourself.
Enjoy the little moments. As I look back at what I've accomplished in my life I realize that I never really cherished the big moments. Not to mention by this age it feels like time is playing against me. It does slip away from you and the next thing you know you're off on your own adventure.
The last thing I want to say is that I know it may seem like you have no one in your life that supports you but believe me there will always be someone in your corner. Just be patient and you will slowly figure out who those people are in your life. When you do figure it out make sure to keep those people in your life. I can guarantee that those people will make life ten times better.