A Letter To My Parents Before I Leave For College | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To My Parents Before I Leave For College

Thank you for everything, I love you to the 🌙

A Letter To My Parents Before I Leave For College

Dear Mom and Dad,

I want to begin this letter by thanking you for everything you have done for me for the past 18 years. Thank you for all of the money you have spent on me, the advice you have given me, and all of the opportunities you have made sure were available to me as I grew up. A simple "thank you" can never repay you both and I hope that one day I can be half as good of a parent as you are.

It's been a crazy year as I begin to open a new chapter in my life. Sometimes I question myself if I'm doing the right thing, but it's reassuring knowing you will always support me. However, I'm a little scared knowing that you won't be a room away anymore to listen to my problems or to help me when I'm sick.

You guys have been my biggest fans since day one and I can't even begin to explain how great it felt knowing I could always look to see you cheering me on. From learning how to ride a bike, to driving a car for the first time, and attending every single softball game, regardless of where it was or what it took to get there. I knew I could always count on you for being there, and I thank you for that.

Being the girl who was always wanting to grow up, it was pretty evident that there would be a few things we wouldn't agree on. I know I can be stubborn, but at the end of the day you still love me just the same. While I might complain about wanting new clothes or going on a vacation, when it comes down to it, all that really matters is that there is food on the table and a roof over my head. Knowing I have parents that are willing to go above and beyond to satisfy my happiness before theirs is something I am especially grateful for.

When I think about college now, I am flooded with a lot of emotions. Some are sad, but some are also filled with excitement, and I hope you're excited for me too. I appreciate everything you both have been able to do for me, but now I feel as though it is time for me to move on into the next chapter of my life. I can't wait for you both to be able to come down to Lincoln and join me on my crazy new adventure. But, I'm also looking forward to coming back on the weekends (after football season of course), about 100 calls a week because I can't figure out the washing machine, and constant text messages just to tell you how much I miss you, how much I love you, and to let you know to stop worrying because I am going to be okay.

You have guided me for the past 18 years and now it is time for me to guide myself. When move in day comes around or whenever you start to miss me, I hope you will look back at this letter and remember that I will always love you and appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you for being the best parents I could have ever asked for.

Thank you for everything, I love you to the 🌙


Your Daughter

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