Dear Self,
Girl, can you believe that you are 29 year's old?! I know it's kind of crazy to think about, but here you are girl - knocking right on 30's door. Guess what though? You're so ready! I'm really proud of you. You spent your 28th year of life working on yourself and searching for the things that truly fulfill you. I know you're still working on it, but you have come so far. I know you will just continue to grow and grow in this new year of life. As you start this next chapter, I want to remind you of some of the changes you have made in your life thus far, and encourage you to keep learning, keep loving, and keep being YOU.
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Over this last year, you have changed the way you talk to yourself, the way you view yourself, and you have changed where you invested your energy. You struggle at times to do what's best for you if you think that it'll have a negative effect on others, and that’s okay!You have started to learn how to have a healthy balance and I need you to keep that up! You can't pour from an empty cup. You have also vowed NOT to change who you are to satisfy other people. No more people pleasing! You have struggled with this for the majority of your life and it's time to let that go. If people truly love you, they will love you for who you are. You love the way you feel when you're comfortably and confidently YOU, so don't stop. Don't go back to old habits. Old habits die hard, but you’re doing it!
And here’s a big one; if you want to be a good person to people, BE THAT GOOD PERSON TO THEM. Regardless of how you think they will treat you in return. Treating people in the way they treat you doesn't make you feel better and it makes you act out of character. Stay true to you, but don't be naive. Good energy goes where good energy flows. Don't disrupt your aura because other's aren't on the same wave.
Continue to be kind, loving, loyal, and a ride or die friend and loved one. Remember that you won't be everyone's cup of tea and that is okay! You can say no sometimes, too! Don't feel like you always have to tell people yes and know that saying no doesn't make you a bad person, but just a person who is choosing to take control of their own life one day at a time.
The main lesson I want you to take into this next year of life with you is this: LIFE IS SHORT. Stop letting fear keep you from walking in your purpose and chasing your dreams. It is not fair to you and tomorrow isn't promised. Take the risk and do whatever it is that your heart desires. You have so much untapped potential. It's time to let it out! Stop waiting until you're "ready,” because guess what?
You're ready.
As you enter into this new decade of your life, ENJOY THE RIDE. Keep smiling, keep laughing, keep living, keep loving. It's going to be a great year!