An Open Letter to My Dad - I Miss, You Fool | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To The Dad I Don't Call Enough— I Miss You, Fool

A letter to the guy that doesn't take life too seriously.

An Open Letter To The Dad I Don't Call Enough— I Miss You, Fool
Lauren Haight


As I sat in my dorm room with severe writer's block, I couldn't help but think, WWDD - what would Dad do? Of course, this only comes as a result of the years and years of you revising my papers for content and grammar; not because I think you're a super cool, awesome guy or anything. I wouldn't want you to get a big head.

Considering these things and more, I felt that my first article on a public platform should pay homage to you - the man who taught me how to write well, and more importantly, the man who taught me how to enjoy the simple things in life.

Well, where do I begin?

First of all, I miss you. Alright, there - I said it. You win!

I do, in fact, miss you. And, although my lack of calls might not show it, I truly do miss you and our shenanigans together. But, of course, this begs the question - what exactly do I miss about you?

I miss our weeknights together watching NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt. Sitting on the couch with Molly and Lola while watching what crazy things were going on in the world didn't seem like anything special at the time. It was simply our routine. Get home from school or work, eat dinner and watch the news. Now, being in college (without cable might I add), I've realized how much I enjoyed (and took for granted) just sitting there with you, discussing what we watched.

I miss our late nights at the kitchen counter. Although we were both supposed to be doing work - me for school and you for the law firm - we instead were sidetracked by our conversations regarding music and movies. It was you who first introduced me to the wonderful New Wave genre. It was you who showed me the Talking Heads and the wonderful song that is Psycho Killer. It was you who exposed me to The Cars, The Smiths, U2, Weezer, The Police and so many more. It was you who pushed me to watch movies like The Silence of the Lambs, The Sixth Sense, The Shining, and Almost Famous. In all honesty, it was those nights that helped to shape my music and movie tastes.

I miss being a goofball with you. I miss having our sword fights with wrapping paper rolls on Christmas morning. I miss walking into the kitchen every morning to you singing the tune of the Superman theme song. I miss constantly being able to quote John Mulaney with you at the most inappropriate of times. I miss our stupid inside jokes (remember, you don't make friends with salad and you'll always be safe inside your mind). But, I never did realize how much of myself I could truly be whenever I was with you. And now that I don't see you every day, I'm realizing how much of you I took for granted.

Pop, I just wanna let you know - you are in fact a super cool, awesome guy. And I'm lucky to be your daughter.



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