Dear Change,
Your season is finally upon us. 2019 has just begun, and around the world, people have written down or thought out the things they hope to change this year. Some people are scared to see what you bring to the New Year, and others are anxious to see what awaits. What is so interesting though is that you have no definite season. You come through out the whole year. You come unexpectedly in both good and bad ways. You bring happy and sad tears. Sometimes you come gradually almost as though you're bracing us for the impact you will have. Other times you come suddenly with no warning. No matter how you come, we are rarely ever fully prepared. We can't out run you. We can't hide from you. No matter how hard we try to fight you, resist you, you still come.
Some people talk about how we should all embrace you, but you aren't always easy to embrace. When we are filled with grief, sadness, and other negative emotions how can we open our arms and accept you. What is so funny about you though is that we can't CHANGE you. Once you come we're stuck, whether good, bad or indifferent. We can't control you.
I've seen lots of change in 2018. I moved to the next chapter of life in Raleigh at college. I said goodbye to the only town I knew. This was gradual, one of those expected changes you braced me for. I spent from January to June preparing and then from June to July really preparing to leave home. I had final girl's night dinners. I hugged my friends for the last time.I even volunteered at my local soup kitchen for the last time. I cried once or twice, but I remembered it was time. I looked to my older sister, who had done so well after it was her time to, and found comfort in her success. I felt sadness, but I felt a sense of relief when I finally moved in to a tiny room, which was another change form the huge room I had at home. I settled in fine with my amazing and sweet roommate. All that ended up fine.
I watched as you cam to my dad's career. You braced him for this, prepared him and even showed him that it was what he needed to do. He took it freely and happily. He felt you tell him the time had come and he did what I feel would be hard. He embraced you, welcomed you and rolled with what you brought him. He listened when you came and got ready for you. That inspires me to hear your call and listen for when you are coming and just how you may come.
Most recently, you came unexpectedly to the health of a love one. You didn't brace me for this. You just popped up when they read him his results. You didn't even give me time to think that it could even be possible you just showed up. You were an unwanted guest to our party. The sadness you brought was so terrible. Why would you do that? I don't really understand. Why did you come? What made you decide to come to us? Was it even necessary? But my comfort comes in knowing that while I was so scared and upset about this change, the one it most greatly affects was already making plans to get through it.He was and is looking to face what you have brought head on. He isn't resisting you, but is fearlessly and triumphantly ready to face you. And I know he can and will, because he is the strongest man I know. The way he looked at you fearlessly inspires me greatly. If he can face the worst, in my opinion, change with a positive attitude then I should stand positively in the face of anything you bring me. You didn't prepare him for you, yet he faced you head on without fear. Even when you prepare me, I am full of fear for what's to come.
So, I'm inspired by this man, who has inspired me my whole life in different aspects, to face you head on. My resolution for 2019 is to have no fear when it comes to you. So, CHANGE come as you might and as you may please, I'll be waiting.
Madison Parker