Dear Annika/Shan,
In one of my bouts of writer's block you annoyed me to write this letter, so here you are. Honestly, I think you might regret having asked for this but here we go. I love you tons so just remember that is what matters, but also do not annoy me into writing things about you. Here are some things that I've noticed that are very unique to you.
First off, I have never met someone who is as randomly crazy and silly as you. As I am writing this, you have gone from turning on a strobe light and singing "I'm so silly" to whipping and running around the apartment. You have so much energy that honestly I have no idea where you get it from and if you have nothing to do it comes out in honestly the weirdest ways. Half the time I feel like I am living with a toddler who has just eaten a pound of candy. I've gotten so used to it that so many things happen that I should be shocked about but am not.
Second, you legit go from being somewhat of a kid to being such a stressed-out adult that I am almost always blind sighted by it. I can come home, and you can be goofing around, but the second you check your calendar or agenda you immediately get the stress of a doctor going into surgery on the president of the United States. I honestly do not even know where it comes from, but I feel like for your health you need to figure out how to take it a couple of notches down. Like seriously it like makes me nervous sometimes how crazy it can be.
Third, you are probably the most loving person I have ever met but also one of the meanest. I have seen you go for some of the meanest jabs and then follow it up with so much love that it can be like suffocating. You have called people out for being single, for getting hurt and for having bad grades and as soon as you say it, you immediately start saying sorry. It is so odd that such a sweet person can be so randomly mean but then so apologetic.
At the end of the day, I love you so much, and these things are not even criticism they are legit just funny. You are one of the best (and most beautiful) people I have in my life, and I am so thankful for you. I know you are going to kill it at nursing school and that you will be there for me for the rest of my life. Love you so much chica <3