Thank you for loving me unconditionally even when I make you mad. For loving and supporting me in everything I do. Thank you.
You have been there since day one. You have cared for me every step of the way and made sure I had the best opportunities available for me. Whether it be school or softball, you have cheered me on for years and allowed me to flourish as a student, athlete, and person. Thank you.
You taught me how to be respectful and treat people with compassion. By watching how you treat others, I have learned how to be kind to people, even when they have not treated me the same. I am who I am because of you. So, Mom, thank you.
When it was time to move away to college, there were some tears but mostly smiles. It had always been my dream to go to college, and you knew that. You let me go because you knew I needed to be on my own. I needed to learn how to be an adult, but you were there if I ever fell down. You gave me all the tools I needed and continue to give me advice whether I ask for it or not. You let me have my independence but you're always a phone call away. For that, I am thankful.
I can still call you whenever I need help with something, or even when I just need to talk. Whenever I need to rant, you're there. Whenever I need to cry, you're there. Whenever I need to talk, which is quite often, you're there. Our phone calls range from ten minutes to an hour. We laugh until we cry, we make movie references from our favorite films. You always know how to brighten my day, and for that, thank you.
You've driven me to so many practices and to so many games. You're always there to cheer after every home run and always there to pick me up when I go 0 for 3. Regardless as to how I did, you support me nonetheless. I am harder on myself than I should be, and you always remind me that it's okay to fail because it makes the victories so much sweeter. You taught me that I must work hard to achieve my dreams because talent can only take me so far. Your advice and support led me to be able to fulfill my dream of playing college softball. Thank you.
I might have grown up some but rest assured, I still need my mom. I will never stop needing you. I may not need you to hold my hand but I need you. I know I will always have your love and support. I know I will always have you to talk to because you're not only my mom, but you're also my best friend. You'll forever be one of my biggest fans and the person I look up to the most. I have never doubted your love for me and I never will. If I turn out to be half as good as you at being a mom, I'll be happy.
My goal in the future is to be the type of mom that my children look up to. I want them to know that they can tell me anything. I want to be a mom that they love with all of their hearts. I want to be a mom like you.
So, Mom, thank you. Thank you for the continuous love and support. Thank you for the phone calls and the laughs. Even when I grow older, I still need you just as much as the days before. Thank you for being a woman I can look up to and for being the woman I strive to be.
Thank you for being you.
Your grateful daughter