A Look Inside Korean Cafes | The Odyssey Online
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Once You Get A Peek Inside A Korean Cafe, You'll Never Want To Step Foot In An American One Agai

Putting all other cafes around the world to complete shame.

Noor Lone

South Korea is known for its fashion, food, and music. But have you heard about the country's bustling cafe industry? Streets in Seoul are lined with independent coffee stores and cafes along with big name coffee shops. Experience the cafe experience for yourself through my beautiful photos.

1. Welcome to Sulbing

Welcome to Sulbing! Home of the most beautiful and aesthetic desserts I have ever seen. The lovely ambiance of the cafe should be as aesthetic as the food.

2. Bingsoo

Bingsoo is a popular dessert in Korea that has a base of shaved ice and has toppings like fruits and red beans. Basically, it's the world's fanciest ice cream but without the cream.


From a wide selection of seolbing, other sweet desserts, coffees, and smoothies, you're sure to love something at this shop.

4. It's the good stuff

I dare you to tell me this isn't the most beautiful, extravagant, out of this world, ridiculous piece of art on this planet. This chocolate fudge bingsoo is too good to be true. But it is true. And real.

5. More good stuff!

Bingsoo with red bean mochi and green tea ice cream. My heart cannot take this lavishness.

6. AND they have take out?

It's like they have the answer to end my eternal suffering.

7. Socializing

Cafes are a great place for people to meet their friends or coworkers.

8. Working and studying

Along with socializing, people often to come to cafes to study or for business.


These muffins... speak to me.

10. Ambiance

Again, this is so... aesthetic. I can't. Beauty is art and art is beauty and art is South Korean cafes.

11. At the mall

This cafe, Dal.Komm, is located inside one of Korea's biggest shopping malls. They have infiltrated everywhere.

12. Hollys Coffee

I would usually do work here while I was studying in Korea. It's a super chill environment that plays sweet tunes at a reasonable volume. Perfect for eating or studying.

13. Starbucks

To top it off, Starbucks has really taken over the whole world. If small cafes aren't for you, big brands will always be there for you.

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