Politics are a slippery slope, especially with recent tensions. There is a firestorm of opinions, arguments, and ideas flying around the nation. Politics can easily become a toxic relationship by putting others down and being put down by others. Here are six ways to make the political atmosphere a better place.
1. Respect the opinions of others
This has to be the most important way to keep politics healthy. Yes, the opinions of others will make you roll your eyes or get angry, and this is okay. Instead of bashing other people with differing views, a healthy debate of countering opinions will help both parties understand where the others lie.
2. Be able to defend your beliefs
It is so important to go into election season well-informed. If you want to be able to debate politics with others, you must first understand your own position. You should also be able to defend your beliefs with facts and data, not just what one political candidate said, because they often distort facts in their favor.
3. Steer clear of potentially violent altercations
This seems logical, but don't get involved in a situation about politics that appears to be violent. This involves screaming, yelling, spitting, and getting in one's face. If these people are so passionate about whatever beliefs they hold, nobody is going to change them.
4. Know that it's okay to disagree with people
Politics is all about conflicting ideas, and it's okay to have different beliefs as another person, in fact, it's natural. When you belittle others for their opinions is when politics gets unhealthy. There are many opinions I disagree with, some I can dissect and point out what I disagree with. Some ideas I have to do research about in order to determine where I lay on the spectrum.
5. Do your research!Â
It is so important to be an informed citizen. This means researching platforms of various candidates and even their parties. Don't form opinions based on articles/posts you see on social media. Often, those posts are sensationalized and omit evidence that goes against their claim. Sometimes, these posts bring awareness to certain situations, but it is important to research them further before blindly believing them.
6. Be a smart audience
The press is an amazing resource of sharing information and ideas, in fact, we are all here in order to share our ideas with the world. Even though many publishers want to appear "neutral" they use connotations and buzzwords to persuade the audience to lean one way or the other. It's important to understand where on the spectrum the organization leans. A typical example of this is that Fox News is traditionally right-leaning, while the Washington Post traditionally has left-leaning articles.