I wanted to write this blog to genuinely thank you for everything you have done for me. I want you to know all the time how important you are to me and I want this letter to be a constant source of encouragement for you. My heart hurts thinking of you ever feeling less than enough, because you are way more than enough in my eyes. If you ever feel discouraged, I want you to read this letter and soak in every word knowing that they will always be true. You deserve to know how amazing and loved you always are.
Thank you for always believing in me. You were one of the first people in my life to not only believe in me, but show that to me. Ever since I was your student, you never have given up on me and that will always mean the world to me. You saw the best in me and told me when you did so I would recognize it. Your encouragement is so genuine and makes people really feel valued and seen. Your words speak so much life into my soul and have helped me in greater ways than words could ever express.
There is so much I admire about you. I love how well you love the people around you. You care for others so well and make them feel heard. You are so easy to talk to about anything and you make people feel safe. You have such a kind heart and a warm personality that naturally draws people to you. You are genuinely one of the most beautiful women I know. I am in awe of how beautiful you are and have been since I met you. You are everything I want to be and I hope I can be half the woman you are as I continue to walk through life. You inspire me in many ways.
Thank you for always listening to me. You have listened to everything going on from my life ever since I was your student to now. You didn't have to be there after I graduated, but you have and that means so much to me. You give me a safe place to be real and vulnerable to share how I am really doing. You have listened to a wide variety of things from me and never judge me. You always listening with a willing heart. I simply couldn't imagine my life without you in it. I love getting to share a friendship with you now that I am getting older.
Words could never accurately express how truly thankful I am for you. You are not only the best role model but greatest friend I could have ever asked for. You are so important to me and you always will be. It doesn't matter if we only go a few days without talking or if we go a couple months without talking. You will ALWAYS be one of the most important people in my life and nothing could ever change that. I wouldn't be not only who I am today but I wouldn't be here without you loving and supporting me through so much. You will always have me on your side cheering you on and supporting you in everything you do. I will always be your biggest fan and your cheerleader. You deserve nothing but the best in every area of your life. I hope you always know and see how amazing and cherished you are and if you don't, you can always text or call me and I could tell you for hours how loved and wonderful you are.