Believe me, I know the online school struggle. One of the hardest parts, at least for me, is finding motivation. It is really hard to sit down and grind when you're in pajamas, surrounded by family, and the black hole of Tik Tok is constantly calling your name. To sum it up: online finals week during quarantine is NOT ideal.
Despite the challenges of online school, I have been trying some new methods to stay motivated and de-stress. It is important to do something that works for you and keeps your mind focused. I recently started practicing yoga everyday, which has really made a difference. I know yoga can seem intimidating, but if you chip away at it only 10-15 minutes per day, it becomes very therapeutic. This is just one example of a great way to take a few minutes away from your electronic devices and the stress of finals to focus on yourself.
In this unprecedented and sometimes frustrating and stressful time, it is important to focus on the things in your life you can control. I know our current situation has made me feel very anxious with the constant changes and uncertainty in my life, and I'm sure you can relate. I don't like to feel out of control, and Covid has made me feel that way. This is a huge contributor to lack of motivation, which can be fixed by focusing on three goals per day. When you wake up in the morning set an intention to accomplish three things. This will help keep you on track, and in control of the things in your power. It will also help take off some of the burden you have been carrying, aiming to reduce stress.
Trying something new, like yoga, or setting just three goals for yourself each day will help with your motivation. I know it's hard, but know you're not alone; we're all struggling to get through this unique online learning situation. But don't worry, you got this!