More often than not, friends of mine who arenot African Americans ask me questions about different things I say and do. Honestly, I don't mind it, simply because it allows me to express my opinions. Here are a few questions that tend to come up:
1. Sugar in spaghetti.
I once said I needed sugar for my spaghetti and my roommate asked me if that was a black person thing. The answer is no. If the sauce is too bitter I feel like a lot of people would agree to add some sugar.
2. Natural hair.
There are so many questions about African American hair; sometimes, I don't even know the answers. There are some of us that wear wigs or weave. However, keep in mind that some African Americans just have long beautiful hair. Just because it's long doesn't mean it's fake.
3. The love of watermelon.
Just stop asking about the watermelon, please. It's getting old.
If you haven't figured out that not all black people eat watermelon, then I don't know what to tell you.
4. The love of fried chicken.
A lot of people eat fried chicken. I still do not know why this is a commonly asked question. I think that fried chicken is something almost everyone loves, not just black people.
5. The way we talk.
Yes, some of us use a lot of slang but so do other races. The way we speak differs for each black person. Oh, and if we do not use slang please do not say we talk like "white people." Thank you.
6. Always being angry.
This goes for African Americans in general, especially females. We are just like any other female: we get angry when you make us angry. So, saying that we are angry when we are not will make us angry.
7. We are always loud.
We can be loud but we are not the only ones, so stop trying to act like you never get loud.
These are just a few of the questions I am asked often. If you have anything to add to this list let me know. It is okay to ask a question about us and I am sure some of us would answer them. The only thing I want is to be asked in a respectful way.