We spent years collecting small stuffed animals in plastic tubs with the tags still intact, hours trying to reach a new high score and not "twist it" when we were supposed to "Bop It" and weeks on end trying to make sure at three in the morning that our electronic babies didn't grow wing and break out 14 generation streak. Beanie Babies, Bop It and Tamagotchis were how we spent our hours as children of the 90s. Now, where ever you look, children have their noses buried in electronic devices.
When I was 15 years old, I was excited when my parents surprised me with my very own flip phone. You know that thing that was good for only three things: texting up to 500 messages a month, talking to your best friend when you wanted to get together to connect your Tamagotchis and playing that little snake game that was impossible to win. That was the life. We felt privileged when we had even that little power.
Now, every where you look, there are seven-year-olds who are yelling at their parents (in public) to buy them the newest iPhone. Kids today have no idea how lucky they are.
They don't realize how unlucky they are. Kids today were brought up with the technology that we lacked. Yes, we had small technology (like the Tamagotchis), but we were not always involved with them.
We got out and played with one another outside. We went out and scratched up our knees. Those were some of the greatest days. I feel kids today will never get the chances that we did.
Today, kids need to be re-introduced to entertainment other than electronics. They need reminded where the fun actually is; that's with friends, not electronics.