90s Girl Power Songs With Powerful Messages | The Odyssey Online
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90s Girl Power Songs With Powerful Messages

A list of ten songs that cemented girl power in the 90s.

90s Girl Power Songs With Powerful Messages

Who can deny the greatness of being a girl in the 90s? Women were dominating music and television with a strong force. Sure we picked fights with our BFFs on which NSYNC boy we would marry (Justin Timberlake all the way!), and couldn't get Hanson's MMMBop out of our heads (and everyone around us) but a lot of our fellow girls were kicking butt 24/7. Spice Girls were serving up a sucker punch of girl power while Alanis Morissette was able to convert the angsty emotions of teenage girls everywhere into killer number one hits. Although we may have simply danced and sang along to some of these songs without really listening to the lyrics, as we got older and looked back, we clearly missed the meaning the artists generated. Let's take a moment to salute the influential and outspoken women who weren't afraid to tell the world

1. "Bitch"-Meredith Brooks- (1997)

"I'm a bitch, I'm a lover, I'm a child, I'm mother

I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I do not feel ashamed

I'm your hell, I'm your dream

I'm nothing in between, you know you wouldn't have it any other way

So take me as I am"

So maybe your parents wouldn't let you listen to this song mainly because ... well it's called "bitch" and you weren't even old enough to wear a midriff top. But who can deny the freedom and empowerment the song gave you once you finally did listen to it? Meredith Brooks told the world that women are "a little bit of everything all rolled into one," We shouldn't be expected to be just one dimensional.

2. "Just a Girl"- No Doubt- (1995)

" Take this pink ribbon off my eyes

I'm exposed and it's no big surprise

Don't you think I know exactly where I stand

This world is forcing me to hold your hand

'Cause I'm just a girl, a little 'ol me

Well don't let me out of your sight

Oh I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite

So don't let me have any rights

Oh....I've had it up to here!"

There's no doubt (see what I did there?) that Gwen Stefani ruled the late 90s as front woman of No Doubt. Not only does this song make you want to just rock out on your bed while slaying the air guitar, but it explains what society used to and stills sees women as: little damsels in distress. Society expects women to be wholesome, prim and proper. Think we're supposed to have any opinions or speak our minds? Fiddle-de-de, shake that nonsense from your head and go back to brushing your hair in the mirror while you wait for Prince Charming. Yeah right. Gwen Stefani's not having it and neither should you. Gwen doesn't want you to be "Just a Girl", be an independent kick-ass girl.

3. "Gotta Be" by Desiree- (1994)

"Listen as your day unfolds, challenge what the future holds

Try and keep your head up to the sky

Lovers, they may cause you tears

Go ahead release your fears, stand up and be counted

Don't be ashamed to cry

You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you gotta be wiser

You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, you gotta be stronger

You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you gotta stay together"

Whenever you're having a bad day or just need a good pick me up, this is the song you need to listen to! Filled with positive messages about staying strong and never giving up , this song is an instant winner. Sometimes life may throw you a curve ball and tend to knock you down but you have to brush it off, get back up, and keep pushing. Unless you're admiring your shoes, there's no reason to ever put your head down. Us girls are dominant queens and we need to own it like never before. You have to take challenges and as scary as it may seem, you may have to leave your comfort zone. Life is all about taking chances and not being afraid of risks. You never know what opportunities may appear if you go a step further. With a mellow vibe, why don't you sit back and enjoy a cup of tea to this relaxing song.

4. "You Oughta Know"- Alanis Morissette (1995)

"And I'm here, to remind you of the mess you left

When you went away, It's not fair, to deny me of

The cross I bear that you gave to me

You, you, you, oughta know"

Going through a breakup? Well instead of taking a baseball bat to your ex's pretty little souped up four wheel drive, blast this song to your hearts satisfaction. Sure the lyrics are a bit crazy but who can blame her when the song is about a rumored break up from this Full House star which may or may not be true. But still, Alanis is known for not holding back and giving raw lyrics that aren't meant to be"pretty" and "ladylike." Alanis is like that best friend that is always ready to beat down the guy who cheats on you with another girl or embarrass him with a break up song.

5. "Ladies First"-Queen Latifah (1990)

"A woman can bear you, make you, break you....

We are the ones who gave birth to

the new generation of prophets because it's Ladies First...

...They see a woman standing up on her own two

Sloppy slouching is something I won't do.

Some think they we can't flow

Stereotypes they got to go

I'm a mess around and flip this scene into reverse

With a little touch of Ladies First."

When you think of female rappers your mind probably goes straight to Nicki Minaj as she has been dubbed as the "Queen of Rap" but let's take it back about twenty years before the twerking and lyrics so dirty Clorox would have to retire. One of the original Queens of Rap (the others being MC Lyte and Salt 'N Peppa), Ms. Queen Latifah reinvented the meaning of being a lady. Queen Latifah's aim was to break female stereotypes through lyrical wisdom. In a genre dominated by men, Queen Latifah gave male rappers a run for their money with her lyrical wisdom. Instead of rapping about sexual endeavors, the Queen portrayed herself and women as just what they are, Queens. Back in the good old days, female rappers were more about unity and uplifting each other which made this song even more powerful.

6. "U.N.I.T.Y."- Queen Latifah (1993)

"Instincts lead me to another flow,

Every time I hear a brother call a woman a bitch or a ho

Trying to make a sister feel low

You know all of that's got to go

...A man don't really love you if he hits ya"

And another hit from the Queen. Besides the mesmerizing saxophone in the background this song bluntly tells women that they're not a bitch or a hoe. It' not a term of endearment or cute nickname to throw around with your friends, or to even call yourself. This song is all about teaching self-respect. If you don't respect yourself first, neither will those around you. In a generation where apparently it's the norm for women to degrade themselves this song is a wake up call.

7. "Wannabe"-Spice Girls (1996)

Sing it with me everyone!

"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends

Make it last forever, friendship never ends

If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give

Taking is too easy but that's the way it is!"

What exactly does "zigazigahhh" mean? While I don't have the answer to that, I'll tell you what you want I want, what I really really wanted growing up: to be Scary Spice's replacement. Scratch that, I am the "other" Spice Girl, Cocoa Spice. I'm the one the history books left out. I was only two when this music video came out and I just couldn't make filming that day. Show me the girl who doesn't know this song and I will tie her to a chair and force her to watch it while rapping Mel B's parts. Although the Spice Girl's definition of "Girl Power" was a bit controversial at the time, it's no doubt that their bubbly, charismatic, and confident style was invigorating. They proved that friendships are stronger than cute boys and that you gotta give a little to get a little back (respect that is, you gotta give respect an effort).

8. "Unpretty"-TLC

" I wish that I could tie you up in my shoes, make you feel unpretty too

I was told I was beautiful, but what does that mean to you?

Look into the mirror who's inside there the one with the long hair

Same old me again today

...You can buy your hair if it won't grow

You can fix your nose if he says so

You can buy all the makeup that M.A.C. can make

But if you can't look inside you

Find out who am I too, be in the position to make me feel so

Damn unpretty"

TLC took us for an emotional roller coaster with this song. As powerful as this song was at the end of the decade, it's still relevant in 2015. In a time where girls are constantly feeling pressured to confine to society's definition of "beauty," it can be difficult and sometimes depressing. The struggle with self-image is damaging and can lead some girls to alter themselves just to please the likes of others. With the luxury of buying hair, plastic surgery, and endless cosmetics, you can create a completely new version of yourself and still feel unsatisfied. Although it's easier said than done to embrace your imperfections, it's extremely important for us as women to fall in love with ourselves and take pride in our flaws, imperfections, and learn to accept the things we cannot change. Even if we do have the opportunity to change them, why bother? Some of our imperfections are what makes us unique and help us stand out in a sea of cookie cutter mannequins.

9. "Free Your Mind"- En Vogue (1992)

"Before you can read me, you got to learn how to see

Free your mind, and the rest will follow

Be color blind, don't be so shallow"

Leather? Check. Fierceness? Check. Electrifying rock music?

En Vogue (I mean come on, isn't that such an awesome name?) was taking no nonsense when they released this exhilarating ode to tearing down prejudices and knocking down stereotypes. This song tackles racism, sexism, and discrimination all in one. In a culturally diverse country that we live, it's so important to be open minded. You don't have to accept a person's lifestyle or anyone in particular, but as long as you are able to understand that they deserve the same fair treatment that is entitled to everyone else no harm is done. With lyrics way ahead of their time, these powerful divas were able to uplift women and strike back against the shallowness of society. Oh yeah and watch Spice Girl Mel B dance a killer paso doble to this song a couple years ago on Dancing with the Stars here.

10. "Show Me Love"- Robin S. (1993)

"Heartbreaks and promises, I've had more than my share

I'm tired of giving my love and getting nowhere

What I need is somebody who really cares

I really need a lover a lover that wants to be there

.....Don't you promise me the world

All that I already heard

This time around, actions speak louder than words

So baby if you want me, you got to show me love

Words are so easy to say, you got to show me love"

This is the ultimate dance anthem played in every club from NYC to Milan. I dare you to listen to this song without feeling the urge to get up and dance. Before Beyonce turned the world onto "Single Ladies," this was the song every single girl was singing at the top of her lungs at the club with her besties. Even the powerhouse vocals on this groovy diva was underrated in USA and more popular in Europe at the time, the message of the song was still universal. In the song, she sings about her potential needing to "show her love." She couldn't have said it better, "actions speak louder than words." Sure you can tell someone how you feel about them and throw around the "L" word all willy nilly, but if you don't follow up those words with an effort to prove yourself, you're not going to get too far. It's exhausting for us girls to constantly get our hearts broken while giving 50 percent when the other is only giving 5 percent.

Well there you have it ladies and gents. While of course there are tons of pivotal girl power songs of the 90's that I may have missed, hopefully you'll begin listening a little bit closer to the message to these songs and appreciate them a little bit more. In the meantime, grab your best friends, sing your hearts out to these songs that defined the 90s and girls everywhere.

What are some songs I forgot? Are there any songs that are your favorite? Let me know!

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