The 90s Comeback | The Odyssey Online
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The 90s Comeback

These 90s trends are returning without us even noticing.

The 90s Comeback

When you were just being born, the fashion world around you was making many trendy statements. Now you are a college student and those statements are coming back without you even noticing. It’s not surprising that the trends that influenced our parents and even our grandparents during their young years are making a comeback. The leg warmers were an 80s thing and for a few years it was a thing during the 2000s. Now we are experiencing 90s nostalgia and many pieces of clothing and accessories are coming back from the grave.

Chocker Necklaces

One of the most noticeable 90s accessory that has make a huge comeback are the chocker necklaces. The most famous type are the plastic tattoo chockers but nowadays we have every type of chocker. They now come in silver and gold with little pendants that hang from them.

Berry Lips

90s girls’ favorite item to have in their bag was the berry color lipstick. The berry lips are back and it’s has been shown more by Kylie Jenner.

Crop Tops

Britney and Christina were the crop top wearing queens in the late 90s but before them there was Tiffani Amber Thiessen a.k.a. Kelly Kapowski from “Saved by the Bell.” Today, our stomachs are on full display with these famous long and short sleeve crop tops and sometimes matched with nice skirts.

Floral Dresses

These dresses were everywhere. 90s female TV characters were rocking it. We now see supermodel Miranda Kerr bringing it back with a little bit of edge.


You were cool if one strap was undone but now this piece of clothing is accessorized with anything like a good leather jacket. It's so easy to wear, it's the one piece makes an entire outfit!

High-Waisted Jeans

These were the mom jeans but with a little bit of edge. 90s kids wore their high waisted jeans but these were completely wrecked. We call them boyfriend jeans and are sometimes dressed up with high heels.

Doc Martens

The famous pair of boots were popular among the grunge scene in the 90s. Nowadays these pairs of boots can be worn with any type of style. Jessica Alba gives it a very feminine twist.

Bucket Hats

These accessory was most famous among men and it still is thanks to the Biebs.

Flannel Shirts

Thank you Cory Matthews for being so cool back in the 90s and now we are cool for bringing the most comfortable piece of clothing back. Flannel just goes with everything; they are like sweatshirts but wearing flannel make us look like we put a little bit of effort into our outfit.

Jelly Sandals

Most people wish these pair of plastics never made a comeback but we can’t help but just accepted it into society and Kylie Jenner is one of them.


The late 90s was all about girl power and the Spice Girls did just that by giving their feet some major power with platforms those babies can sure knock someone out.

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