Most New Years resolutions are unattainable and ridiculous. They are either pointless or too lofty to complete. I haven't had a resolution in many years because I put them off or forgot to do them (or both). These resolutions, however, are none of the above.
1. A daily spiritual journal.
Daily might be a little hard at the beginning, but if you stick to it, you might find that it becomes more of a joy and not a chore.
2. A healthier lifestyle.
This is usually only a reachable goal if you make it so that you will feel better as a result. Looks will not produce a constant effort, but feeling better will.
3. Be more informed.
This is super easy to do. If you wake up seven minutes earlier than you usually do, then you can lay in your bed and read the news on your phone every morning.
4. To keep a cleaner life.
Picking up after yourself right after you make the mess makes them easier to tackle. Leaving ten messes until a week and a half later makes them look impossible.
5. Having a new hobby or doing better at your current one.
This is especially hard for me mostly because I have no time. So, finding an hour a week to start a new hobby or make more time for your current one can make a huge difference.
6. Make time for your loved ones.
Netflix will always be there, but your best friend might not be. Set aside time to see your friends and family often.
7. Be present.
This one goes off of the last one, but if you do have time with someone you love, make sure to consciously be present with them.
8. Eat around a table.
Growing up, this was something we always did as a family. No matter who you consider family, make a goal for a reasonable amount of nights you will all sit around a table together for a meal and eat together per week.
9. Watch less TV.
This is a huge one for me. If you want to watch TV, every other time -- or however often you want -- read a book or an article instead.