Hello. Welcome to my rant. After a week of stressful exams and dealing with people I don't want to deal with, I honestly can say that I am pretty much done with terrible people. Seriously, if I have to spend another hour listening to someone justifying their actions with a completely invalid reason, I am going to lock myself in my room and never speak to anyone ever again. Don't test me — I'll actually do it.
Here are nine terrible people that I have encountered in the last three semesters of college that should be avoided at all costs if you want to keep your sanity.
1. The person who does the bare minimum in their classes, but claims they’re going to get a good job because they “have connections.”
We all know this person. The "my dad is friends with the senator" kind of person. Some of us work as hard as we can and still get rejected for the people with "connections," and we don't want to hear about where your "connections" can get you.
2. That person that doesn’t understand that professors and TAs won’t cater to their personal needs on every single assignment.
Sorry you didn't get that extension that you asked for 6 hours before the paper is due.
3. The person who only shows up on exam day, and gets mad when they don’t get a good grade.
4. The person who waits until the last minute to do work and tries to buy Adderall off of their friends with prescriptions.
Yes, because $5 will compensate for the medication that that person needs to function, just so your lazy ass can write the paper you've had 2 weeks to write.
5. The person who thinks it’s okay to talk on the phone in the library.
It could be just me, but I thought libraries were supposed to be quiet?
6. The person who takes your idea and uses it as their own in a group presentation.
And leaves you with nothing to talk about, making you look bad.
7. The people who make you question whether they were raised by humans.
No hate for "personal style", OK? I dig the people who wear Crocs ironically. I'm talking about the people who have NO IDEA that it's not okay to play music at 3 a.m. when their sleeping roommate has an exam at 8 a.m. the next day.
8. The people who give advice that they have never once followed, and probably never will follow.
Don't think I don't know you don't follow your own advice. Telling other people not to overreact? Then don't make faces when other people disagree with you.
9. The people who agree with everyone about everything, and therefore contradict themselves 40 times a day.
You can't think that Ryan the Frat Boy is both perfect husband material AND a sleaze-ball. Nice try.