It’s finally summer—six months after you made that failed New Year’s resolution to finally work out. But now, without school, there are no more excuses to be made. But you still find yourself sleeping in, sitting in front of the TV, and going out with friends. You have the time to work out, but how do you get yourself to actually do it? Here are some tips for how to walk—or jog—your workout talk.
1. Set aside specific time to work out
If you set aside time in your day to work out, you can’t make the most used excuse of all time—that you don’t have time to work out. In addition, if you plan a workout, you’ll be more likely to go for that run instead of using free time to sit around, watch TV, and tell yourself you’ll “go later.”
2. Write out detailed workouts ahead of time
If you visualize and write the type of workout you want to get done, you’re more likely to do the full workout you want to do. You’ll be less likely to cut the workout short because you know you’ll go back to that calendar having fallen short of your written plans. Plus, checking off a finished workout afterwards is a great feeling of accomplishment!
3. Record your workouts on a calendar
Seeing how often you work out will make you feel accomplished and motivated to keep that calendar full; seeing an empty calendar will remind you to get up and go work out instead of looking at a bunch of empty boxes.
4. Use food to your advantage
Make sure not to eat a huge meal before you plan to work out. A full stomach will make you put off a workout you would have done otherwise. Also, rewarding yourself with something you enjoy—like a smoothie or even some ice cream—afterward will give you something to look forward to.
5. Find a workout buddy
Having someone else depend on you to work out will increase the likelihood you commit to your plans of working out. Often, even if neither person wants to work out in the moment, both people will go work out because they had planned to work out together. It allows you to hold each other accountable to stick to your plan!
6. Have a good playlist
The right music can get you psyched for a good workout. You get so into a song that you totally forget all the pain you feel in the moment! Songs with faster beats can really get you motivated and your heart pumping. Check out some great workout songs here and here.
7. Take a fun workout class
There are so many workout classes that are tons of fun, from yoga and spin classes to kickboxing and Zumba. Going to a class automatically comes with an instructor who is there to tell you what to do to get the best workout with your time there, along with being a motivating voice the whole time.
8. Sign up for a race with your friends
Whether it’s a 5k with your friends or half-marathon for time, signing up for a race can be a great way to motivate yourself to work out, since you have a goal to work toward. There are a lot of fun races, such as the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, or even the muddy Spartan Race, that make working out less serious and more fun!
9. Try a sport
Working out doesn't always have to be running, getting on a bike, or lifting weights. Different sports, such as basketball or swimming, can be a less serious way to get yourself active. Find a group of friends to play some volleyball on the beach!
The only way to get out and workout is if you really want to. But using a couple of these tips can make your wanting to work out turn into actually working out—and you’ll feel so much better after knowing you physically did what you mentally wanted to do!