9 Ways To Make The Most Of Your 2020 Summer If You Live In Orange County, California | The Odyssey Online
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9 Ways To Make The Most Of Your 2020 Summer If You Live In Orange County, California

Safe, socially-distanced fun.

9 Ways To Make The Most Of Your 2020 Summer If You Live In Orange County, California
Amenda Lee

Summer 2020 in Southern California may look very different from past years, but that does not mean you can't enjoy your favorite activities! Here is a compiled list of fun, yet safe and COVID-19 conscious activities for summer in Orange County, California.

1. Hike down the Crystal Cove Trail

This hike extends approximately 7 miles roundtrip, but it leads to one of the prettiest areas in OC — Crystal Cove State Park! If you have an RV or trailer, you can also book a camping spot above the dunes.

2. Learn a gourmet recipe at home

With social distancing orders still necessary, why not try and recreate one of your favorite dishes at home? It is still important to support local businesses as much as possible, but in lieu of a vacation, revisit a meal you enjoyed on a past journey at home.

3. Go for a scenic drive down PCH

Though the pandemic has definitely changed what summers look like in Southern California, enjoy an afternoon or night drive down the picturesque Pacific Coast Highway.

4. Order takeout from Mama D's

Mama D's, a staple in Corona Del Mar and Newport Beach, is a beloved restaurant with incredible hospitality. Although they have switched over to takeout meals (for the time being in light of the pandemic), their hospitality remains the same, complete with amazing focaccia and complimentary chocolate chip cookies! Make sure you tip their essential workers!

5. Grab donuts along the beach

Newport Beach is home to some of the best donuts in the OC. Whether you prefer a gourmet morning to lunch pick-me-up donut at Sidecar Donuts or a midnight snack at Seaside Donuts, you will not be disappointed with the plethora of pastries available in this city.

6. Photoshoot at the Northwest Open Space

The Northwest Open Space is home to some of the most beautiful flower fields in all of Southern California. Make sure to social distance if you are planning to go outside!

7. Order Family Delivery or a Meal Kit at home

With the number of new restaurants open in Orange County, why not recreate gourmet meals at home with the help of a restaurant-stylized meal kit. Many restaurants are now offering ingredient boxes with recipe lists, which you can refer to when cooking up these meals.

8. Go on a day trip down to San Diego

You can still enjoy a mini-vacation while maintaining social distancing regulations! Take a walk along La Jolla Beach or hike to Potato Chip Rock. Just make sure to stay at least six feet away from others, and wear a mask when possible!

9. Picnic at Salt Creek Beach Park

Before the ocean, Salt Creek has a verdant expanse for small to large groups to picnic. Pack some snacks and enjoy the sunlight while brunching, or watch the sunset with dinner.

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