9 Ways to De-Stress During College | The Odyssey Online
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9 Ways to De-Stress During College

Being able to de-stress yourself in our hectic college life-style is key.

9 Ways to De-Stress During College
The Huffington Post

While college is one of the best experiences we will have in our lifetimes, it can also be overwhelming. The life of a college kid is stressful, and at times even unhealthy. During the week, we run from class to work to the gym to clubs to the library to study then hopefully get to sleep at a decent time (and by decent I mean we aim for six hours and rarely achieve that). Somewhere in between those things, we have to remember to eat, socialize and attempt to call our beloved parents who are often neglected during these stressful times. It is a tough lifestyle to keep up with, but somehow we manage. Here are a few ways to keep on keepin’ on in these long days of preparing for our future.

1. Find your “thing”.

Find an activity that you really love. Something simple will do, like going on runs, practicing yoga or hitting the pool for a nice swim. It should be something you are able to look forward to during your day of go-go-go.

2. Find your “place”.

Having a spot you can escape to is one of the best things you can do to clear your mind. It could be your back porch, a rock by a river somewhere or even your rooftop if you’re lucky enough to access it. It’s like having your own little oasis in a big hectic world.

3. Vent.

I don’t mean complain to every person you see or to call your significant other just to yell at them about your day. I mean express your inner emotions to someone you know can understand where you are coming from. It will feel like spreading your struggle out rather than letting it weigh you down. Chances are, whoever you vent to will need to do some venting of their own. This is also beneficial because it helps you to realize you are not alone in having stressors.

4. Know yourself and do not hesitate to accommodate your needs.

If you are introvert, be an introvert. Be by yourself when you need to be. Step back and take the time you know you need to recollect. Don’t be afraid to let yourself do what you need to do. It does not mean you are rude or antisocial, it’s your personality type and in order to be the best version of yourself, you can’t forget that.

5. Get lost.

Go outside. Go to a city nearby for the weekend. Get lost in a book. Get lost writing in your journal. Getting lost is one of the best ways to find yourself again.

6. Treat yo' self.

Bake or buy your favorite dessert. Go get your nails done. Take a bubble bath with a glass of wine. Let yourself have or do something special every once in a while, you deserve it.

7. Make your space your own.

Whether that means your room, your living room your kitchen or your car, if it’s yours make it feel like yours. Put up the décor you love. If it's something you have to look at often, like the wall across from your bed, put up something you know you’d like to wake up to every morning.

8. Prioritize.

You will not always accomplish every item on your daily to-do list. It is important to keep your priorities straight. No one but you can decide your priorities. If the first thing on your list is homework, great. It the first thing on your list is calls to your mom, awesome. This order of priorities is what will keep you sane and make you feel personally accomplished. Try not to stray from it regardless of whether it matches your best friends’ or not.

9. Reminisce.

Look back at old photos and videos you have saved on your computer. Flip through memory books and photo albums. Chat with your long-term friends about the crazy times you had together. Listen to the music you used to jam to in middle school. Looking back reminds you of how far you have come and that for the most part, you had no idea you’d end up where you are today. Yet, you’re doing just fine. That should remind you that one day, when you’re doing just fine in the future, you’ll be looking back at the times you are having now. Take a deep breath and enjoy them.

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