If you're anywhere close to where I am in life, even as a seemingly not anxious person, you find that your mind can drive you into the ground. Falling asleep becomes more difficult, talking to anyone becomes a vent session, and the shadow of uncertainty distorts every view in sight.
For me, the mind racing has ventured right to the very basics. From my grocery list, to deciding where I am going to live at school next year. Even though I know that things will work out, I get stirred up in the process.
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But, let me encourage you, that you are not alone, and the process is the purpose. While we all strive for or toward something with a mindset of peace, happiness, and success, we must never lose sight that the process of life is the purpose being worked out in us.
As far as the mind racing goes, and the anxiousness of uncertainty, here are a few simple ways to control it, and gather your thoughts back to central.
1. Exercise
I have said this before and again I will say, giving your physical body a way out of a constant, ever repetitive cycle can truly make a significant impact. The relationship between body and mind is more significant than we may address. Help cease the constant movement and exhaustion of your mind, and feel the relief through movement of your body.
2. Make checklists
There is a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in checking things off of a list. It also helps to see it on paper. Physically looking at my thoughts has always helped me greatly. Instead of everything wandering and endlessly cycling through your head, get it down in black and white. Though life is not black and white, it is helpful to see a simple list of things you need or need to get finished.
3. Drink a lot of water
I am always carrying a bottle of water around with me. There are very evident benefits of drinking water, but truly, I feel the difference on a daily basis.
4. Go out
Find a night or an afternoon between classes; find a friend or a family member, and focus on something else. More than half the battle is disciplining your mind to fixate on other things.
5. Keep consistent contact with the people who care
Wow, I love my best friend, Faith. Shout out to her as well as my siblings who are my world, and the constistent availability of my parents. Even a quick 5-10 minute phone call; a quick update text can help me sift through the day.
6. Stay involved
Don't let anxiety's power distort your wellbeing. It is critical that we involve ourselves in the community, in school, sports, hobbies, etc. You will find the growth that happens in your life when you continually surround yourself with community.
7. Serve
It could be a 1-2 hour event on campus or a community event near home, but it is healthfully beneficial to serve in come copacity. Serving can encourage happiness and contentment in individuals' lives. It is all about focus. Sometimes perspective must be taken off of yourself!
8. Find your outlet
Whether it's picking up a book (not my outlet), going for a walk (it's fall- I recommend this), exercising, or vegging out for a night with your roommate- find something else to fixate on for a section of time.
9. Don't 'shut off'
Most prevalently in my life I have witnessed the lack of discipline in people's coping skills. Whether it is fear or timidity, turning the other way from real problems in life will only end in hurt. Either seek out the resources and professional help to confide in or turn to those around you- take the time you need, but deal with the mind racing. It is not a simple thing to control, thus, be practical in dealing with it head on.
A word from the wise (Oswald Chambers): "If I can stay calm, faithful, and unconfused while in the middle of the turmoil of life, the goal of the purpose [of God] is being accomplished in me... His purpose is the process itself." -My Utmost For His Highest