We've all been there, book-lovers and book-admirers alike: The Reading Slump. I have definitely been in one over the last few months. Reading slumps usually happen to me when life gets crazy, but sometimes the motivation is just not there. Occasionally, this happens to me in the middle of a book, but it usually happens after I've finished one and don't feel like picking up another one. Whatever the reason may be for you, it's frustrating! You know you want to read, but you just don't seem to have the energy. Maybe it's that you don't know what to read next--something equally as frustrating. I've compiled this list of things I have done or are planning to do to help motivate myself, and hopefully they can motivate you, too!
1. Try pushing through it
If you're not that far into a book, it might pick up the pace and you might find you really enjoy it! Otherwise, if it's just too long and you're not feeling it, put a bookmark in it and save it for another time. Remember, there is absolutely no shame in book-hopping!
2. Pick up a book you already know you love
Sure, it's not going to do wonders for your mountains of books in your "to read" pile, but it might just do the trick to get you back into reading mode again.
3. Ask a friend for a recommendation
If you have friends who love to read just as much as you do, they've probably gone through the same exact thing. Ask them what they read recently, or a book that they really enjoyed, and you might find your newest favorite! This is a go-to tactic that I've used in the past.
4. Take a trip to your local library
If you're an avid reader, you can't tell me the idea of being surrounded by thousands of books at once doesn't excite you. Even if you don't check anything out, Just being in that setting might get you back into the mood to read. Of course, a bookstore is also another option, but a library is free. :)
5. Find a short and easy read
Sometimes your brain just needs a break from those 700 page, fast-paced mystery novels. Find a novella or just a shorter book that you've been wanting to read and see how it goes! This is another trick I have used to get out of reading slumps and it works quite well.
6. Set a challenge for yourself
One of my goals this coming new year is to set a reading challenge for myself in hopes to motivate me, not only to read, but also to write more reviews! Setting how many books you're going to read per year, or even per month, can help you with your slump. Another good way to challenge yourself is to find books you wouldn't normally read and try them: a really old book, a book adapted from another language, a genre you don't normally read, etc. It's a good way to get some variety in your reading!
7. Scour Goodreads
Goodreads is a great place to look for new books to read. There are lists you can pick books from and reviewers that you can follow to find what you might like next. This has been my go-to website since freshman year of high school and I've been using it ever since. Be warned: your "to read" list may go up by the hundreds after joining this website!
8. Buy that book you've been wanting forever
Okay, so maybe this isn't the best idea if you're trying to save money, but there is something just so exciting about picking up a crisp, new book from the bookstore and cracking it open for the first time. The fact that you bought this $20-something thing just might motivate you more to reading it!
9. Get a friend to read with you
One of the best feelings is to be able to discuss a book you are reading at the same time as someone else! You could give the best synopsis in the world to a random person on the street, but there is nothing like being able to talk about a book with someone who is currently reading or has actually read it.