I'm lucky. I have so many wonderful people in my life who I consider my friends and who I can turn to in a time of need. Friendship is one of the only things in this world that make life a little bit more bearable. The types of friendships are different though. In college you have many different types of friends. These are the nine friends you have in college.
1. The Friends You Grew Up With
These friends saw you through all the awkwardness, the braces, the bad bang phase, and the trying to be cooler than you really are and they love you anyway. You know that even if you're not texting every second you're away the moment you get back it'll be like you never left.
2. Dorm Friends
Maybe they are from freshman or sophomore year but together you created so many memories. Late night Netflix binges, running to McDonald's or KFC at 2:00 a.m. They were your people and every time you see them you think of all the random shit that you did.
3. The Coworkers Who Became Your Friends
These people work by your side and understand the frustration and annoyance that you feel with any job but also understand the joy when everything goes right during your shift. Sometimes they even become some of your best friends.
4. Your Sorority Sisters
These girls have become your home away from home. You wear your letters with pride knowing that 30 other girls are somewhere on campus wearing them as well.
5. The Pledge Class You Joined With
You all entered the chapter at the same time and that means something. While you may not be the closest sisters to you, you'll always have those few memories that only those girls will truly understand.
6. The Family Tree You are Blessed to Be A Part Of
While your whole chapter is important to you, the girls in your family tree have taught you so much about the sorority and yourself. Through being a little sister you learn about the new world you are about to enter. Becoming a big sister you get to see your sorority and chapter through new eyes and fall in love with it all over again.
7. Panhellenic Besties
While they are not in your sorority, they understand your commitment and the craziness of your schedule. They give you a break from your own sorority's drama and remind you that no sorority is perfect.
8. The Guys
Whether they are your date to formal, your big's fiance or your best guy friend from the dorm they offer a different type of friendship than the girls in your life. There is no sugar coating and they offer a different perspective that is sometimes necessary.
9. The Friends Left Behind
Sometimes for your own sake a friend has to become a memory. Maybe you grew apart or maybe you had a really unhealthy friendship. Either way you don't see, talk to or ever hear about this friend anymore. And while you hope that everything in their life works out, you have to move forward without them.