Sunshine, tents, firewood, and hiking boots all make for a thrilling summer, but what’s adventure without a little fear pumping through your veins? As a young adult you may think you’re too old for scary stories, but, in all honesty, it’s just as easy to get the adrenaline pumping when you're under the stars with nothing but a pack on your back and a flame at your feet as it was when you were a little kid. You just might need a bit more twist and gore to keep you awake at night. Whether you're out on a camping trip or it’s Halloween season, here are some scary two-liners to freak you out on your daring feats! Remember to keep your flashlight close for you never know what might be lurking in the dark.
1. The knocking came from inside the walls and when I moved up closer to peer between the boards a little girl with knotted black hair met my gaze for just a moment before she slipped back between the frame work. We found it out someone was living inside the walls.
2. There’s really nothing more joyful and uplifting than the sound of a laughing baby unless it’s 1:00 a.m. and you’re home alone.
3. The girl heard her mom call her name from the basement but once she reached the top of the stairs her mother pulled her into a room and whispered, “I heard that too.”
4. I got home from work to find my girlfriend sitting in a rocking chair cradling our child. I didn’t know what was more disturbing, seeing my dead girlfriend and our stillborn child or that someone had broken into my house to put them there.
5. I always put my hand under the bed when I wake up in the middle of the night so I know my dog is there to protect me. Tonight he gave me a few warm wet licks before I pulled my arm back under the covers, but when I rolled over I found him sleeping on the bed next to me.
6. He worked the night shift but when he looked over at the security camera that showed him the locked cellar, he saw a face with sunken eyes staring fixedly back at him.
7. A toothy grin stared insidiously through my bedroom window just waiting for me to fall asleep; but little did you know, I live on the 13th floor.
8. A young, newlywed couple found themselves traveling late at night along the countryside when their car abruptly broke down on the side of the road. The husband felt it would be best for one of them to stay in the car with the doors locked and the other to make their way down the empty paved road to get help at the next gas station. The couple agreed that the woman would stay in the car and when the man came back he would knock four times to indicate they had returned and the wife would would open the door and let him in. Two hours had past when the wind began to pick up but finally she heard knock, knock….knock...knock. When she opened the car door she looked up to see her husband’s body swaying in the tree, just high enough so his shoe knocked on the window in the breeze.
9. My husband and I just moved into a new house that is in dire need of some TLC; so upon move in day we began the demolition: taking down unwanted walls, pulling off wallpaper in long, thin strips, much like shedding long strips of skin when peeling from a sunburn. The most unusual quirk of the house surfaced quickly as we found that under each square of wallpaper was the name and date of a missing persons case. Naturally we called the police and after some tests we heard an officer say, “yep, that’s human alright.” When I approached the officer to find out exactly what was “human” he said, “Ma'am, that’s not wall paper you’ve been peeling off your walls...”
Good luck sleeping with the lights on tonight…
Check out some more creepy stories here if you’re still looking for a scare: