Fake Patty's day at Kent State University is one of its own. This day of spring semester is the only day of spring semester that we patiently wait for. We plan our outfits, plan out our day with our friends before the actual day happens just to avoid any sh*t shows, and we mentally prepare ourselves for the incredible day we are going to have. The day is like no other, and I hope each and every one of you are able to experience a Fake Patty's day at Kent State University at least once in your life. But enough with my bragging about how awesome it is, here are nine tweets that perfectly describe Fake Patty's day. Enjoy!
1. Making it on Total Frat Move #TFM.
2. Waking up earlier than you do for class to pre-game.
3. Being completely aware that you are trash and don't care who knows it.
4. Following doctor's orders.
5. Getting yelled at by Hungry Howies at 2:00 a.m. (t-minus four hours 'til Fratty's Day).
6. Knowing you need to get work done but not regretting any decisions.
7. Using Bev's new rebranding as kudos for an awesome Fake St. Paddy's Day.
8. Getting bodily injures, tweeting about it, and continuing to rally.
9. Remembering how much you love college and Kent State University.
Well, cheers to that, my friends. I hope you survived Fake Patty's day and had an absolute blast. Just remember, the next Fake Patty's day is less that a year away, so cheers to that!