Recently, I found myself going through yearbooks of the good old days. And of course, of the awkward years too. Middle school: three years of awkwardness, humility, and laughter. What was middle school without that one bad haircut you will always secretly be bitter about, or that one dance you wish you never went to because it was painfully more uncomfortable than the others? If I could, I think I'd be able to sum up the memorable middle school experience pretty well.
1. 6th Grade
"We can go to the dances now right?"--said once then regretted it. This was a whole new world, new set of teachers, and a new uniform--from jumper to skirt, looking back each one was uncomfortable.
2. Books/Lockers
Have a locker? It's nice to be able to stop by your locker to exchange books right? Just Kidding. Why not just carry all your books all day long #HowHighIsThePile? Confession, my pile of books was so high that I couldn't see over it at times. Scratch that, that was the case every day. But, middle school meant lockers and that meant being able to decorate them. Remember the locker shelf? The mirror? The magnets? Once you had a locker, you were living pretty fancy!
3. Lunch
If you went to a small school and didn't have a cafeteria, than you know exactly the struggle of eating at you're desk. Moving desks around like a table to fit everyone and the Purell was a go to. Let's be honest, there was always at least one hot lunch that you loved. Mine was KFC... I'm a mashed potato addict.
4. 7th Grade
Second year into middle school, you have a better grip on things. You've finished 6th grade and no longer the "freshmen" of middle school. And not in 8th grade so the nervousness about entering high school is still in the future, still avoidable. By this time, you better know the teachers so breaking the "not going to your locker between classes" wasn't as big of a deal. Seventh grade felt like the lost year and the best year all at the same time.
5. THE Dances
You know what to expect now, which dances or canteens are more fun to go to [#clubfit] and which ones are just straight awkward #middleschoolgym. Since you had to wear a uniform during the week, choosing an outfit for a dance seemed so important at the time. Once you got to the dances and heard the music, everyone started dancing like they were pros. #AppleBottomJeans-->enough said. LOL.
6. Drama. Ahhh!
This seemed to be the year [7th grade] that drama started to creep in. Issues with friends, changing friend groups, start of relationships, school/teacher drama...basically a sneak peek into high school. I
7. 8th Grade
Feeling like you're on top of the world!..It's your last year, teachers are a little more lenient, and the rules seem to be more bendable. You ruled the school, and it was pretty great. And if you had one, the 8th grade goodbye canteen/dance was nice.. also, the biggest realization of "ahhh! high school is here!"
8. Yearbook Writing
By 8th grade, writing in yearbooks probably became easier to do, unless you're like me where it will almost always feel awkward doing. Years before, if you wrote something in someone's yearbook and wished afterwards that you wrote something different, you just hoped that they forgot about it by the time the next school year rolled in #mylife. Since everyone was off to different high schools, how awkward your yearbook message may have been didn't mean a thing #thankgod. OH, and the line "HAGS" was always a popular default, especially if you weren't close friends.
9. Plays
Middle school plays, always the greatest adventures. The build-up to finding out what play you're grade was doing that year and then the reveal of it was either the best of worst day.
...Then it was off to high school, which had a whole new set or rules and trademarks. And it was an experience. Pinky Promise.