Incase you didn't know, January is the worst month for depression. January is a tough month of the year. The holidays are over, the new year happened, and by mid-January, most 'New Year Resolutions' have been broken. January is cold. Or in this year's case, warm and rainy (which doesn't make it much better). January is the time when everyone is getting back into the swing of things at work and at school and that can be difficult.
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Everyone has high hopes and expectations for the upcoming year, but after a few weeks, you're back to your normal routine: work, eat, sleep, repeat. And people begin to drown into their typical routine and forget about all of the hopes and expectations they had planned on encountering. So here's a list of tips to help with the 'January Blues':
1. Do one thing that makes you happy each day
Just one thing. Whether it be reading, painting or drawing, working out, making music or just talking with your friends. As long as you take a moment out of your day to do something that you enjoy, it'll help during this difficult month of the year.
2. Clean or Organize
Pick one room in your house to focus on and clean it. Clean and organize that one room. It will occupy you and keep you busy for a period of time and it gives you something to do. Also, once you finish, it's always a good feeling to look back and see how hard you worked and you'll just feel better overall. Being clean and organized improves your overall mood.
3. Plan a trip
January is a good time to plan a trip or a vacation. You can get some of the best travel deals the earlier you plan it too. Planning a trip gives you something to look forward to in the future and it can motivate you to get through each day up until the day comes for your trip.
4. Change up your routine
Most of us do the same thing, Well, switch it up every now and then (Unless your someone like me who has to do the same routine every day or you feel like the universe is going to end). Take a different way to work, walk a different way to class, eat something different for lunch. Keeping your life fresh allows each day to be different and more interesting than the day before. It helps you from drowning in your typical day-to-day routine.
5. Treat your self
"Clothes, fragrances, massages, mimosas, and fine leather goods". Tom and Donna said it best, "Treat yo self". Every once in a while, this is good to do. Especially in January. It'll lift your spirits, give you some happiness and pleasure. It can be ice cream, a spa day or just sleeping the whole day away. Whatever it is, treat yourself.
6. Exercise
It doesn't have to be anything too strenuous, even if it's a couple of jumping jacks or a few sit ups, it helps. It gets your heart rate and blood pressure going (for a good reason, not because of stress or work, etc.). If you have a gym membership, go there, commit to it. But if you don't, don't stress. There's plenty of small exercises that you can do at home.
7. Start something new
One thing. Pick one new thing to do in your life and commit to it. It can be absolutely ANYTHING. From yoga, to reading more books, to painting, even starting a puzzle. Once again it keeps life interesting and will fill some down time that you may have and keep you from getting sucked into the 'January Blues'.
8. Enjoy the daylight
During the winter, the days are shorter and nights are longer. When we wake up for work and school it's dark and when we come home it's beginning to get dark again. So when there are decently nice days, go outside for a break. Take in the sun light. The darkness can be very draining and can bring you down during the winter months.
9. Know that you are not alone
Whether it hits you or not, know that you're not alone. A LOT of people go through this period of sadness and crappiness, particularly in the month of January. It's important to know that you are not alone. Talk to someone. Whether it be a family member, a friend, a co-worker or even a therapist, someone will understand what you're going through. Maybe they're even going through it themselves.
Being stuck inside all winter is hard. After the holidays and seeing family and shopping and all the craziness that comes with that, there's a period of down time. January. The dreaded January. Everyone goes through it at one time or another in their life. Sometimes people may not even realize it's happening. I sure didn't. To help with everything that comes with this month, pick one thing from the list, or do them all. Whatever helps with your case of the 'January Blues'.