This past week, I decided to dive into the blogger world. It’s been a hectic yet wonderful adventure of dealing with all things blogger related. Therefore, as a newbie blogger, this is some of the best advice I’ve gathered and would love to share with you. Blog on!
1. Don’t let anything hold you back!
If you want to write a blog, do it. Please, do not worry about what others will think. Trust me, once you finally make one, you’ll love it and you’ll wish you started sooner!
2. Use social media to your advantage.
If you’re serious about blog growth, create as many social media pages as possible! This gives you a space to interact with your readers and exposes your content to a wider audience.
3. Study Wordpress.
Treat Wordpress like a homework assignment and know the in’s and the out’s of the website, because there are some really cool features if you start exploring the site’s amenities. Also, make sure to determine what type of Wordpress plan works best with your blog goals, because paying $10 a month for features you never use will be very annoying.
4. Use your own photos.
Using your own photos will save you a lot of headaches in the future if your blog takes off. It might seem like no one will be reading your blog right now, but trust me these things can grow over night. Not only is it morally wrong to steal someone’s photos, but even if you give credit to a photo, that person can still sue you. So, take caution now, before it’s too late!
5. Set a schedule.
Scheduling is a vital instrument in keeping your blog alive and thriving! Having a constant schedule will not only get your more views but it will also help you grow your skills, as you will be spending more time on your craft and your writing ability. Also, a consistent schedule will allow you not to lose interest in your blog, as you will be determined each week to keep up with content.
6. Join Facebook blogger communities.
Facebook blogger communities are a great place to make friends and grow your blog! The people you meet in these communities are willing to help you with any questions you may have, and you’ll find so many other like-minded people that will love to read your blogs and support your journey!
7. Want to make money? Put in the work.
I cannot stress this enough! If you are really passionate about making money off your blog, which really isn’t a bad thing because a lot of bloggers are able to make a livable salary, then you need to do your research. Knowing the world of HTML formats, Google Analytics, and clickbait headlines, will be essential to making money from your site. If you do not put in the time and research, you will not make money, simple as that.
8. Create a newsletter.
Newsletters are such an important factor for blog growth! Make sure your newsletter signup is visible for all our guests to your blog so they can stay updated on all of your future endeavors. Also, a newsletter will remind your blog visitors that you’re still creating amazing content, and they’ll be more likely to engage with it as well.
9. Write about things you love.
Blogging is a journey, but it’s your journey! Do not let anyone dictate what you write. So, take the time to write about things that are therapeutic to you or make you feel happy. Do not worry about getting the most likes, pins, or reblogs, because these things will come when you put all of your love and passion into your blog.