"That 70's Show" is a TV comedy depicting the life of Eric Forman and friends as they struggle through adolescence in the 70's. This show, while having a tendency to be completely ridiculous, is also incredibly relatable. The characters' exaggerated lives resonate on a personal level with viewers, especially when dealing with that infamous "R" word: relationships. So, here are nine times "That 70's Show" perfectly summed up what it's like to be single.
1. It's not always easy to find someone to talk to.
The awesome thing about a significant other is that they’re basically your built-in best friend. That's great, except when they're not around. When you’re single, you have to find other people to talk to. And sometimes, that’s harder than it seems.
2. Sometimes, you just need some attention.
There are days where you just feel like the world goes by without you. Little compliments and just knowing that people care about you can make everything better.
3. There are days when it doesn't seem like you'll ever find love again.
You’ll try to justify it to yourself. You’ll try to tell yourself that you don’t need anybody else, and that you’re perfectly capable of doing it all on your own. And for a while, it works.
4. Eventually, you realize you can't do it all on your own.
Even if you want to, it'�s just not possible. But man, wouldn’t it be nice?
5. Sometimes, you get a little hysteric.
Being lonely can be rough. Sometimes you just have to let loose. Laughter is medicine for the soul.
6. At least you can always eat.
Hey, no matter what happens, you can comfort yourself with a nice pint of ice cream and some pasta right? Emotional overeating, check.
7. Food becomes your top priority.
Boys are temporary, but food will never leave you. Need I say more?
8. There are days you just need someone to hold you.
Sometimes the hugs you get from your friends aren’t enough. You cling to any shred of human contact, hoping it lasts just a little longer.
9. You appreciate your friends so much more.
It's important to have friends you can count on. Life gets lonely sometimes. It happens. Yeah, there are going to be times when you’re single, but those are sometimes the moments where you see just how great your friends are. So sit back and just bask in the joy of existing. What’s meant to be will be, and your friends will be rooting for you the whole way there.