Controversy...controversy everywhere. Let's get this straight, I passionately dislike Donald Trump and everything he stands for. Although I am not heavily into politics, I know enough to tell right from wrong, something that President Trump clearly has an issue with. As a Millennial girl, it is very difficult for me to understand why young adults, especially females, agree and support the Monster residing in the White House.
Without further ado, I've picked the top nine things that have irked me, and Millennial girls across the country, just within the last six months. Rest assured, there are many more than nine, but you don't have the time to read that extensive list.
1. He Defunded Planned Parenthood.
I've always been a strong believer in the fact that male politicians should have no say in the reproductive health of females, and abortion is no different. While I myself would never get or even consider an abortion, it is not my place to judge or control another woman's actions. As a young girl, I have learned that women are easily degraded and often thought of last or not at all. I frequently see many young women preach that we should "build each other up" and "always support one another in such a cruel world," so why is this situation any different? Our Girl Power shouldn't have limits, conditions, and regulations. By supporting Donald Trump and giving him this power, YOU are supporting an extremely misogynistic culture.
2.He reinstated the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Many environmentalists have worked hard to make our Earth clean and keep it that way. Pollution is on the rise, and that is an issue. This is our home, and we don't get another one. We take it for granted, and we should be glad that somebody cares enough to save the planet. Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, Donald Trump is not glad about this. Instead, according to MotherJones,
" On Jan 24, within days of becoming President, Trump signs an Executive Order reversing environmentalists hard-won efforts to block the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines. On the same day,Trump meets with three Detroit auto industry executives and promises big regulatory rollbacks."
Now does that sound like somebody who wants the preserve the world we live in and will continue to grow in? Yeah, didn't think so. By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting pollution and the destruction of Earth's beauty.
3. He removed all of the climate change information off of the White House Official Website.
He wasted no time, and on the day of his inauguration, he began making changes. This also goes hand-in-hand with the destruction of the Earth, and it shows his complete ignorance. While debating what is causing climate change and global warming is completely valid, debating that it exists is not. You truly cannot debate facts. He claims that the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the US Rule are unnecessary and by getting rid of them, he will greatly help the American workers. Why, I wonder...could it help the American workers because it provides more jobs such as trash pick up? By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting blind ignorance and the complete disregard of science.
4. His countless mistakes in speech and numbers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought being the President is one of the jobs we couldn't train a monkey for. Donald Trump has not only referred to 9/11 as 7/11 (got slushies on the brain, Mr. Trump?) and said that Obamacare has been around for 17 years, but he also released a budget with a $2 trillion math error. I understand people make mistakes, but he is in the spotlight and should take extra care not to make such asinine mistakes, especially because he has criticized people for much less.This is no longer ignorance, but down right stupidity. By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting the idea that anyone, and I mean anyone, can run this country and that mistakes should be ignored and not learned from.
5.His original Executive Order targeted refugees and travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries.
Okay, while this has happened before under other administrations, they never once refused to let American citizens back into the country. Safety should be the POTUS's main priority, and if instating a ban is the way to do it, I completely understand. HOWEVER, denying people access to their home, their families, and their country is something that I do not understand and most likely never will. I understand that illegal immigrants are, well, illegal, but what about the ones who went about it the right way and are now legal citizens of America? Why couldn't they be allowed in? Please explain that one... I'll wait. By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting the separation of families based on prejudice.
6. He tweeted, "I consider myself too perfect and have no faults."
As I prepared to apply for college, many people told me to go through my twitter and other social media with a fine tooth comb, as colleges would look at them and judge me base off of the information they gathered. Now, tell me why this doesn't apply to the President. He should just have twitter taken away from him, in my opinion. Not only is being an arrogant, cocky, self-centered person extremely ugly and repulsive, it is also the exact opposite of what a qualified POTUS should be. By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting the idea that anyone of power and/or fame does not have to be humble and can thus hold himself on a pedestal.
7.He called a breastfeeding mother "disgusting."
Why is feeding a hungry child looked down upon or seen as disgusting? Well, because people are allowed to make comments like this. I'm sure President Trump doesn't call his kitchen staff disgusting when they're preparing a meal and serving it to him, so what is the difference here? Once again, I'll wait. Newsflash: boobs are meant to feed hungry babies! By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting the sexualization of breasts and the entire female body.
8. His views on sexual assault in the military.
Once again, nobody kept Mr. Trump off of Twitter. On May 7, he tweeted,
"26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?"
OKAY. First, why were there only 238 convictions? Victims of sexual assault, both men and women, should feel safe and comfortable enough to voice what happened to them and put the offender behind bars. HOWEVER, because of statements like these, those victims will never feel safe. Secondly, why is it okay to assume that men and women can't be around each other and control themselves? Self-control is a very important, powerful thing. Why are these soldiers allowed into the military where they have access to heavy machinery and dangerous weapons if they have no self-control? I'm waiting... By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting rape culture, victim blaming, and the ever-present misogyny.
9. The ban of transgenders in the military.
So, let's make sure we're all on the same page here. Rapists and sexual predators are welcomed into the military with open arms, but people who want to serve their country but be themselves while doing it are turned away? Still waiting... America is the land of the free, yet denying people their freedom of enlisting, while being a draft-dodger yourself, is very hypocritical, President Trump. While money seems to be an issue with supporters of this, what about all the money spent on viagra and medicine of the sort? And for those of you who support this because being transgender is a "mental health disorder," then why are soldiers with untreated PTSD continuing to be deployed? These reasons are all unfounded and based on pure prejudice. By supporting Donald Trump, YOU are supporting the prejudice, the hate, and the taking away of valuable freedom from very happy, capable AMERICAN citizens.
Donald Trump is a hateful, misogynistic, self-centered, arrogant man who is destroying the love this country has built up over the years. As an American citizen, he is my president, but that does NOT mean that I have to support or respect him. In case you forgot, freedom of speech is a thing, and I'm going to exercise that right until he takes that away, too. As a Millennial young woman, I am frightened to see the things he is instating in this country and am equally appalled that there are truly people out there who stand by him, especially in this generation of open minds.
Don't spew hate; spread love.