Every so often you come across a character on TV that seems to really relate to your life. You know the kind--they say exactly what you are thinking (or at least have thought at some point in your life). Lorelai Gilmore, from the 7 season classic Gilmore Girls is one of those characters.
She gets me, and here are 9 times that she probably got you, too:
1. That moment when eating healthy and working out don't sound as appealing as chocolate-gooey-deliciousness (whatever form it may be in). This thought usually comes as you are stuffing your face and reveling in how good of a decision it was to eat that. Followed by chocolate-coma remorse.
"And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right."
2. When your friend is on a diet and tries to act like she's above pizza. No one is above pizza. Especially not free pizza.
"I love pizza. I eat tons of pizza. It's one of my four major food groups."
3. When you're at a restaurant and order enough food for yourself to feed a small village. The best thing to do to justify it is to look at it as an accomplishment--a talent, if you will.
4. When you're in denial about the urgency of figuring out your major, defining the “it's complicated" relationship you're in, finding a job… pretty much anything that doesn't entail going out with your friends and sleeping in until 11am; you know, real world stuff.
5. Finals week—when your body consists of somewhere around 90% caffeine. Coffee, energy drinks, 24-Hour Energy: you name it you have it in your system.
6. When you're trying decide between chugging another coffee and cramming in that extra information for your test tomorrow, or getting a good night's sleep. Sleep always has more pros than cons.
"You have to sleep, it's what keeps you pretty."
7. When one day of bed-laying and Netflix-binging just doesn't seem like it is going to be enough.8. When nothing seems to be going your way and the world has turned against you.
"I can be flexible. As long as everything is exactly the way I want it, I'm totally flexible."
9. When you have approximately 4,589 things that you need to get done before midnight tonight and you've been on the phone with your mom/grandma/friend-with-a-problem for a running time of 1:22 (and already tried to say goodbye 3 times).