If you're a New Girl fan like me (and even if you're not), I hope you can take a moment from studying to get a laugh from this GIFs.
1. "Finals starts in like two days, and you're not studying?" If your (or a friend's) sleeping habits change, don't question it. Just don't.
2. Those times when you're trying to cram in a million assignments before class, and someone interrupts you while you're "in the zone"
3. Sometimes, the only way to keep yourself sane during Finals Week is to sing to yourself. Sounds strange, I know, but try it. Might help boost your spirits after a long day.
4. There's two different ways to ask for help: the calm "normal way," and then there's that other one, when you feel about ready to implode with stress...
5. Can't forget those "study munchies"
6. That terrifying moment when you get your exam, flip through it, and you know -1 of the answers...
(Stage 1: rational thought process)
After turning in your finals, there's usually two outcomes.
8. "How did it go?"
9. To finish on a more positive note, here's another (likely) alternative, because you are all very intelligent and motivated and are going to do great!