Cat calling. I’d bet just about anything that every lady reading this has encountered this phenomenon at some point in their lives (and to the 12 year-olds on Facebook: you will, also go read a book). It happens day or night, alone or in groups, in sweatpants or bodycon skirts, drunk or sober, and ranges from annoying to where-the-fuck-is-my-pepper-spray-creepy.
Recently, a friend and I were walking home from a night out. The walk took about 30 minutes, and we did not go three minutes without being catcalled the entire time. Seriously.
I’m hoping some guys read this, and I’m hoping those that do remember one thing, if nothing else:
It’s not funny. It’s not flattering. It’s not cute. You’re making me feel uncomfortable, unsafe, and I want it to stop.
(Okay, so technically that was six things, but I didn’t want to sound demanding.)
ALSO, to those say that #NotAllMen: I am aware that not all men do this. But all women experience this. And if you are in the car while your buddy does it, or if you witness it and say nothing, you are just as much a part of the problem.
And so, to all you cat callers out there, I just wanted to share MY thoughts on you, since I’ve never been given the chance:
1. Can I have your number?
Even if I yell my number, what’s going to happen? Do you have your phone ready? Are you going to text and drive? And if you do text me, how are you going to start that? “Hey I’m the misogynist from the red pickup on Birch Street that admired your ass, let’s chill?” Will you use emojis? Has this ever worked before?
2. Do you want some fries with that shake?
Uh, yeah. I want fries. But you drove away already, and you totally didn't even have fries, so this is awkward. Don't bring food into this.
3. I like that skirt/dress/shorts baby...
Thank you. I bought it especially to be objectified. Just like this. Thank you.
4. Come over here!
5. Don’t be a bitch! Say thank you!
….for what? Like literally why? Also I'm completely fine with you thinking I'm a bitch. I think you're a prick with a small wein. So there.
6. You look thirsty
I am. A water would be nice. Thanks.
7. You looking for a boyfriend?
Yeah, and OMG isn't this the perfect party story! “I met him at 1 a.m. when I was walking home and terrified he’d rape me." My Grandpa’s gonna love this.
8. It wouldn’t kill you to smile
Yeah, being scared shitless puts me in a great mood.
9. Come on, talk to me!
Again: Why? Why would I want to talk to you? Why should I talk to you? Why do you think you deserve for me to talk to you?
Really, this is the bottom line:
*All images taken from Pinterest*