As a tall person, the following things in this list happen on nearly a daily basis. While not all of it can be helped, and not all of it is too annoying (I think being asked to get something down from a high shelf is hilarious -- the short-legged ones are admitting their lesser-ness to our alpha abilities. HA.), it applies to pretty much everyone with long legs. These are the perks of being the tall friend.
1. You're a giant compared to all of your friends
2. Selfies with friends often look like this:
3. You can always be spotted in crowds, at least
4. You can't wear heels, lest you want to look like the Green Giant
5. Your friends are way too slow because of their tiny legs
6. You're always asked "Can you get that down for me?"
7. Your legs are too long to sit comfortably a lot of the time
8. This picture says it all:
9. "Wow, you're so tall."
Yes, we know we're tall. We accepted it quite a while ago. Thank you for letting us know, though.