It's that time of night again. At around 8:30, the foreign apartment or house you're in falls dead silent and you're there practically alone with your own thoughts. So what happens now? Here's 10 things that you know you do when the kids you're babysitting fall asleep...
1. Snoop
Come on, we all do it. What's in the fridge? That weird side cabinet? What are all these papers on the counter? My inner demons must know.
2. Catch up on school emails
I think my school sends me like, 40 million emails a day about things I don't wish to know about. Time to delete, delete, delete.
3. Facebook stalk the people you're babysitting for
I mean, this is basically snooping, but on the internet. One time, I figured out I was babysitting for a huge music producer, and didn't even know it! Bonus points if you can find embarrassing photos from their college days.
4. Eat all the foods!
How many of those children's applesauces can I feasibly get away with eating before they notice?
5. Homework?
I guess that would be the responsible thing to do? I mean, take advantage of the free wifi for a good cause?
6. Take advantage of the free wifi for Netflix
There are plenty of other times for homework. Right?
7. Play with kid's toys that you would never play with in public
They have that really cool (insert name here) that you keep seeing in commercials! Time to sneak into their room, grab it, and play to your 5 year old heart's content. Release your inner child!
8. More snooping!
I mean, honestly, we all know this is the best part of babysitting for strangers. Amiright?!
9. Write an Odyssey article
This is really a full circle moment for me.