Any girl who lives with a man know some things to be true, like toilet seats always being left up, and the tooth paste always being left open. But what about when you live with four boys? Here's an inside scoop of the 9 things that drive me mad living with four boys.
1) Toilet paper rolls
It takes like 10 seconds to put the roll on the holder, but I'm 90% sure I'm the only one who does that. Because every time I sit down and see that there's a new roll, it isn't on the holder
2) Girls
Some mornings, I'll walk downstairs and there'll be a new girl sitting in the living room. Or, I'll come home late, and see some white converse that could only be a different girls, because I don't own a pair like that.
3) Dishes
The dishes are never done. Ever. And not only do they not get done, they just pile up. Pile up to the point that one of our roommates put all the dirty dishes in a garbage bag instead of actually doing them so he could use the sink.
4) Random projects
They get so invested in building cat condos out of cardboard boxes and duct tape, or hanging Christmas lights in the bathroom because real lights aren't good enough. Half the time, I think they're spending their precious time on something stupid that isn't even going to work.
5) Potentially burning down our apartment
6) Unclean, even after we clean
7) Constant video games
Strategies for fighting Zombies, bets on who can get the better score on Guitar Hero, teaching each other how to be better at Skate.
8) I've seen way too much.
9) Farts.
But the thing is, living with boys is the best. My house is never boring, there's always something going on. They'll come in our room and all pile on top of each other to lay in the same bed. One night, they were doing cartwheels between our bedrooms. Some nights, we decide to take spontaneous trips to dinner, or all go to the gym together. Sometimes, we stay up until 2 am just laughing and telling stories. Somebody is usually strumming a guitar in the living room, which is relaxing when I'm having a hard day. I always have a group of guys to go out with, and never have to worry about where I'll go to pre-game. They're always down for spontaneous, late night adventures.