At 19, I feel like I'm at an exciting point in my life. Right on the brink of adulthood, I feel more mature and independent than ever; yet considering I'm still a "teen," I'm also still young enough to make mistakes and have them be forgiven. This is the age at which we all have the world at our fingertips. We aren't exactly sure where life will take us, but we still have some time to figure it out. Because we are in this state of limbo, so to speak, we have all of these thoughts and feelings about who we are and, perhaps more importantly, who we want to be. Being that we're still young, these are of course subject to change. However, I do feel as though there are some things of which I am aware right now that I don't think I ever want to forget.
1. Take a break.
In the years to come, we're about to get slammed with crazy work schedules and financial stresses, among other things. One thing that helps me when I'm feeling overwhelmed is to just take a break from it all and take some time for myself. Whether it's by reading or running or napping or whatever, make sure you keep your sanity in check by any means. It's amazing what it can do for your lifestyle.
2. Always be health conscious.
Sadly, we're starting to realize that eating whatever we want whenever we want isn't plausible once the growth spurts stop and our metabolisms start slowing down. Like I said, as we get older, we're only going to get busier. I always want to make sure that I make the effort to eat healthy and exercise no matter what.
3. Never settle.
For anything. Neither that job you can't stand, nor that relationship that just isn't quite right. Because, cliche as it sounds, "Life's too short to be anything but happy."
4. Don't let anything stand in the way of your dreams.
I know it sounds cheesy, but it's true. Right now, we are full of hopes and aspirations for the future. Some are totally attainable, while others may be a little out there. Regardless, make them happen, and don't let anything or anyone stop you from making them happen. The last thing you want to do is look back years from now and regret not having fulfilled your 19-year-old self's dream to go skydiving or maybe something more along the lines of becoming really successful. Either way, chase it.
5. Make time for your friends and family.
Both are so, so important. They have been there for you through absolutely everything, they know you better than anyone else, and they make you the happiest. Do everything you can to spend as much time with them as possible, because one day, they might not be around.
6. Never stop learning.
Because we're college students, learning at this point in our lives is just natural. But we are going to reach that point when we're not in school anymore and taking a class isn't required. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. Whether it's a cooking class or learning a new language, learning something new will keep your brain active and make everything feel a little more worthwhile.
7. Never stop doing the things that you love.
No matter what gets in your way, there is no excuse to stop doing the things that you love to do. You have talents and passions that are unique to you for a reason, so you better put them to good use while you've got the chance.
8. Be spontaneous.
As we get older, a lot of us are going to have families and jobs and other duties that need to be fulfilled, lending our lives to cookie cutter schedules. However, don't be afraid to break the mold. I hope that I never reach a point where I have to do the same things day in and day out. Step outside of your comfort zone and live your life freely.
9. Be happy.
There are inevitably going to be ups and downs, but beyond all of the hardships, there is so much good that life has to offer. Be positive, and remember that the good always outweighs the bad.