After being a vegetarian for almost 11 years, I have received so many different reactions from people when they find out that I am a vegetarian. When I was 9 years old, I was told that burgers were cow meat and chicken nuggets were from an actual chicken. It sounds silly, but prior to that moment I had no idea that I was eating an animal when I ate meat. My mom’s friend then told me that she knew someone who loved animals so much that she didn’t eat meat anymore. I loved animals too, so I decided right then and there that I would never eat meat again. I’ve been a vegetarian since that day. Here are 9 things that every vegetarian is tired of hearing:
1. "So you don’t eat meat at all, not even chicken?"
Not even chicken. How could you eat this?
2. "Want a bite of my food?"
This is a risky situation. You love food, but first you have to inspect their plate. Even if seems to be meat-free, you have to check where their fork has been. Did they use their fork to try someone else’s meat? Be very cautious.
3. “You eat fish though, right?"
Fish is meat. Fish have eyes, brains (although different than ours), and can feel pain. Vegetarians do not eat fish. People who do not eat other types of meat, but eat fish are called pescetarians.
4. "Don’t you miss the taste of meat?"
Not really. I don't like the taste of an animal being slaughtered for food. If I was going to miss it then I wouldn’t have become a vegetarian. Fruits and vegetables taste a lot better.
5. "How do you get your protein?!?!?!?"
As if my protein intake is their biggest concern. There are plenty of other ways to get protein without eating meat. Beans, quinoa, nuts, and veggie burgers are just a few examples.
6. "It must be so hard to be a vegetarian! How do you do it?!"
It really is not that hard. All you have to do is put your mind to it. Then it becomes second nature.
7. "A vegan is the same thing as vegetarian right…?"
No. There are multiple types of vegetarians and then there are vegans. According to the Vegetarian Society, the most common type of vegetarian is a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. They eat dairy products and eggs. Vegans do not eat anything derived from animals, so no dairy products or eggs.
8. "I tried to be a vegetarian once! I didn’t even last a week."
At least you tried. It probably is hard going from eating meat for every meal to only eating salads and vegetables. If you're having a hard time completely leaving out meat, try a gradual change in your diet.
9. "What do you even eat? Plants?"
Basically. But there are many different food options that are delicious without meat.