It's the end of July, which means school is drawing ever closer as the summer wanes. Don't go into it with regrets for the time passed, make the most of the remainder.
1. Clean out your closet
You’re going to have a limited amount of space and not a lot of time to do laundry. Clean it out, find the clothes that you wear and like, and donate the rest.2. Make memories with your friends
You’re going to go off to school and make new friends and meet new people, but these are the people you’ve been friends with for a long time. The people who helped shape you into who you are. Read some books together. Go on long car rides while blaring your summer playlist. Stay up late watching movies you can quote word for word. Whether you’re going into freshman year or senior, there will always be space in your heart for your hometown homies. Concerts, hiking, and bonfires are also great ways to make great memories and stories.
3. Take a bath
Whether you’re in communal bathrooms, which have a 99.99% of being walk in showers instead of tubs, or a tub shower shared with other people, you won’t have baths easily available. You’ll be working, studying and trying to make the most of your time, not soaking up with a bath bomb.
4. Cut your hair
If you’ve been waiting to go for that bold new length, nows the time. New year, new you, right?
If you go to a school far from home like I did, you will only be home on holidays, so get in your shots, your acne medication (because stress will make your face break out at some point or another), and make sure you are cavity free because no one ever seems to have floss in college. Seriously. Make sure you floss.
6. Hang out with your family
At first you’re like ah yes freedom but then you’re going to want to tell your mom about that crazy guy in front of you at the store today, and talk about the game with your dad, and of course tell your siblings everything, but they’ll be miles away and you’ll have to go through and call them individually.
7. Sleep
If you don’t have time to take a bath you definitely don’t have time to sleep. I take naps all the time while I’m home but at school I always feel tired.
9. Enjoy yourself
These are the end of your responsibility free days. Set aside some time to relax and get excited for your coming year. And when you’ve got a spare moment, take some time to figure out what you want to accomplish in the coming school year, whether its going Greek (which I totally recommend), getting a 4.0 (also something I recommend, I didn’t but I tried and got a fairly good GPA, so always aim high), learning an instrument or whatever. The possibilities are endless.