9 Things To Do On Spring Break When You're Stuck At Home
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9 Things To Do On Spring Break When You're Stuck At Home

Being at home for spring break is not the worst thing in the world, if you make it so.

9 Things To Do On Spring Break When You're Stuck At Home
NY Daily News

The sun is shining, the vibes are great, but alas, you are stuck at home on spring break. Unless you're like me and will be on bed rest for the duration of this lovely week of no school work due to tonsillitis, you probably will be having a lot of free time and are able to do many things. So relax, just cause you're not going to Mexico doesn't mean you still can't have a bomb time. Here's a little help to get you started to make this spring break your best one yet.

1. Go on a mini road trip/day trip

You may have lived in your hometown your whole life, but that still doesn't mean you haven't seen all there is to see in neighboring towns or even states. If living on the east coast has taught me one thing, it's that you do not have to stay in your town. From where I live I can get to Philadelphia in 20 minutes, New York City in an hour and a half, or even Baltimore in under 2 hours. The possibilities for your adventure are endless.

2. Start a new show on Netflix

While this may not be the most ideal, I know this is what I'll be doing. Sometimes all you need is to just sit back, relax and binge watch a show to help you reboot from classes. We all need a break at some point.

3. Go to that restaurant you've always wanted to check out

It's no secret that I am a major foodie and even have a note page in my phone dedicated to places around me with restaurants or coffee shops I have been dying to try out. Now is the time! You've got a whole week ahead of you, why not try out that cool ice cream shop you found on Facebook? You've earned it.

4. Visit your friends at their school

The one thing about spring break that tends to be the worst is that while you may be on spring break, your friends from back home may not be, but that doesn't have to stop you from seeing them. Make plans to head over to visit for maybe a day or weekend and spend some quality time with your favorite people in their favorite place.

5. Go to the beach, even if the weather isn't warm enough to swim

Living an hour away from the Jersey Shore definitely has its perks come this time of year. Yeah, it may be the off-season, but personally, for me, it's still nice just to be at the beach to even just relax and clear my mind with the salty air and the crashing waves making my mind go blank. If you're not near an ocean, try a lake, pond, river, literally any body of water you can find and just spend time there. After months of exams, this really helps.

6. Try something you have always wanted to do

This may sound lame, but as a kid and to this day I have always loved painting pottery and it was something my mom and I used to do all the time, and it's actually fun to do! While you don't have to do that, maybe there is something else you've always wanted to do and now have the free time to do just that. Whether that be a yoga or spin class, kayak, or maybe even skydive if you're into that, just try out something new.

7. Go on a hike

I don't care where you live, no matter where it may be, there is definitely a hiking trail nearby or within driving distance. It may not be your thing or you may think you're not going to like it, but there is just something about being in nature and exploring the world around you that is just so peaceful and inspiring. Take this time to just relax and let your worries go and be in the moment.

8. Spend quality time with your family

College has taught me a lot of things. I've learned who my real friends are and who will be there for me, how to write a five-page paper in time for me to go out, and how to strategically take my naps between classes, but the most important thing it's taught me is that at the end of the day, family matters. In high school I took my parents for granted and wanted to get out and experience my life in college, and once I did I realized how great my family really is. You may not be on a wild cruise boat with your friends, but you are with your family who has missed you dearly since you have been gone, and who you won't see again until you come back for summer break.

9. Start a new book

Books may not be for everyone, I'm aware of that. I myself am not a very big fan of reading, but when I do find a great book that I enjoy, it is very hard for me to stop. Since I am incapable of going places, this is definitely something I will be doing a lot of this break. Some books on my to-read list include "Milk and Honey" by Rupi Kaur, "We Were Liars" by E. Lockhart, "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" by Jenny Han, and "#Girlboss" by Sophia Amoruso.

No matter what you do this spring break, do something you have never done. Don't just sit around and wait for school to come back around because once it does, you will be drowning in work again. Take time to relax and just not worry about deadlines for once. Take time for yourself.

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