It's already been establish what happens when you have a good roommate.
Here's what happens when you get too close to said roommate:
1. There's no more personal space.
You guys are together literally 24/7. You do everything from eat, sleep, go to class together and so much more. There is almost never a time you're alone, but you like it that way.
2. You share pretty much everything.
No more money on your laundry card? That's fine. No more shampoo left? Not a problem. Running out of shirts to wear out? Your roomies always have something cute for you to take.
3. No conversation is off limits.
There is literally nothing that is weird to talk about. I mean nothing. It's a new level of closeness and most times, hilarious.
4. There is always someone there for you.
No matter what problems you're going through, there's always somebody to help you out at any time of the day.
5. You will laugh so hard your stomach hurts.
I think I've grown abs from the amount of times I've laughed at all the dumb things my friends and I have done/said.
6. You will lose sleep.
There will be nights you intend on going to sleep early and it just never happens. You get caught up watching Netflix together or just talking about the most random things that keep you up for hours.
7. They will become your second family.
You will be so grateful to have found friends you are so close to. It makes the transition into college life so much easier.
They'll be the ones you talk about to all your friends at home when you go back for breaks.8. They'll become your squad.
No matter what you do you'll always be with them and if you're not, you feel like part of you is missing. They're your go-to's when it comes to going out and your squad. It's weird being without them on a night out.
9. Leaving them for breaks is one of the hardest things.
You can't believe you have to go more than a day without seeing them. You feel so incomplete and have separation anxiety without them.