It is finally that time of year again when your skin gets darker, hair gets darker and the nights get warmer and longer. But is also that time of year again when I am responsible for saving the children's lives. Lifeguarding at a small town pool definitely has its perks but there are definitely somethings us life guards can relate to.
1. We are constantly saying walk or to get off the ropes.
I swear if I had a dollar for every time I said, "get off the ropes!" or "walk!" I would make more than I do hourly.
2. Since it is a small town pool you have the regulars.
You know exactly which kids are going to obey the rules and which ones are going to give you a run for your money and be watched more closely.
3. You debate if you really want to cover yourself in sunscreen or just take the burn.
Burns suck, but tans are great. Do you take the risk?
Speaking of tans.....we have some pretty crazy and definite tan lines.
5. Some days we pray for thunder.
No, our job isn't hard, but some days you'd just rather not.
6. Twirling our whistle is a must.
It's just like we are programmed to do it or something! I guess it is our version of a fidget spinner.
7. We are lifeguards, not babysitters.
Maybe I should say it louder so the parents in the back can hear.
8. Chlorine is our new perfume for the summer.
No matter how hard we try, the smell just lingers on your skin.
9. We complain a lot, but it is honestly a fun summer job.
Don't blink because lifeguarding makes the summers fly by.