Happy? Tears. Sad? Tears. Frustrated? Tears. Just walking along the street and there's absolutely zero reason for you to be crying right now? Tears.
1. It’s nearly impossible to win an argument because you end up crying before you can even make your point.
2. Odds are, you’re a drunk crier, even if you claim its based solely on what alcohol you drink.
For awhile, you blame it on tequila. And then vodka. And then just hard alcohol in general. But then you're crying after a couple beers or a glass of wine, and you realize those annoying drunk criers that people complain about? It's you. Shit.
3. When someone even remotely starts to raise their voice at you - instant tears.
4. When you’re talking about something serious thats not in the least way sad, and suddenly you’re crying.
5. Your close friends aren’t even remotely surprised when you start to cry, because its not new

6. Those times that people ask you why you’re crying and you dont actually know why.
7. When you know you’re about to cry in class or somewhere public, and you have to try to be low key.
8. When people think you’re faking it.
9. Don’t even try to watch videos of soldiers coming home. Or proposals. Or the Fault in Our Stars. Marley and Me. My Sister's Keeper. Just stay away from videos and movies altogether.
People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but I prefer tissues.
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