I consider myself a positive person that does not get annoyed very easily at most things. But, even I have some pet peeves that make me do a double take. Now, please do not think I am hypocrite if you have seen or heard me doing one of the things I am about to list. Luckily, I was just able to realize how annoying and awkward I looked while doing so. I have been there. So, if you partake in any of these annoying behaviors, please stop doing them. Or, at least stop doing them around me. I BEG YOU.
1. When people do not use their turn signal.
Use it when you change lanes. Use it when you are turning. USE IT. Do not make me guess what your next move is. Respect your fellow drivers. It is not that hard.
2. When someone refers to everything that is different or that they do not like as "gay."
A pink shirt is not "gay." Wearing makeup is not "gay." The way someone walks, talks or behaves is not "gay." Being gay is "gay." That's it. The word "gay" is not a negative word so stop using it like one. A guy wearing makeup or a pink shirt is not a bad thing and it does not make him anything. It is not bad and it is not "gay." Do not make "gay" equate "unacceptable."
3. When a person looks at my distressed skinny jeans and makes a joke that I need to return them because they are "ripped."
I have heard this joke from too many people. It is not funny and not creative. Sorry to break it to you. It is just annoying.
4. When couples in high school feel the need to make out every time they see each other in the hallway.
I get it. You are young and in love and your hormones are going crazy. I know those 50 minutes without each other will be rough but I think you will make it. Do you really wanna stand there and make out in front of your statistics teacher? Didn't think so. So, please spare us all.
5. When a friend tries to gossip to me about someone that is in close proximity to us.
I do not like listening to people talk bad about others in general, but if you are gonna sit there and rant, make sure the person you are talking about is not in the room. This makes me terribly uncomfortable and fearful that they will hear all the nonsense.
6. When people reply to my texts with a one- word answer.
I took the time out of my day to pour out my heart and soul and you reply with just "OK?" That is stupid and kind of makes me not want to text you. Two can play at that game.
7. When someone does not say "Please" and "Thank you."
It is just courtesy. Have some manners, please. (See what i did there?!)
8. When someone tries to fight with you over social media or over text, but is too afraid to talk to you about the issue in person.
If you have a problem with me, come talk to me about. Do not be brave behind a keyboard or a cell phone. Text fights never get anything done. Be mature and come speak to me in person. I am not a scary person. I don't bite. I will listen to your side. Just do not be petty. That is all I ask.