For the last two semesters I've been working at coffee shops on my college campus. It has been a learning experience to say the least, but what I learned goes far beyond the scope of making lattes...
1. There are two types of people in the world: those who drink coffee...
...and those who do not.
2. There are those who can drink coffee until all hours of the night and still get a good night's sleep, and those who switch to decaf at 4:00
3. The limit on coffee consumption does not exist
College kids are basically a black hole when it comes to caffeine.
4. M&Ms/gummy worms/Sour Patch Kids, basically whatever candy we have in stock constitutes a meal
5. Those who drink tea typically have a calmer disposition than their espresso-drinking counterparts
I've had this theory that people who drink tea instead of coffee really have their life together and working in a coffee shop for six months has really only further proven it true.
6. The number of extra espresso shots directly correlates to how many assignments a student has due the next day
7. Everyone's a little happier once they once they've been handed a cup of coffee
8. College kids (and professors, too) will keep spending the last of their money on coffee no matter how many articles tell them not to
9. The world ends when we run out of bagels
An even sadder sight is an entire shelf full of leftover cinnamon raisin bagels that will only be bought in times of absolute desperation.