Being with someone for any amount of time always teaches you a lesson or two. Whether it be three weeks, three years or three decades, you learn things from your significant other whether you want to or not. Whether it's something small or something so important it changed your entire outlook on life, they all add up to the person you are. After over two and a half years, I've learned a couple handfuls of things from my boyfriend, who is hands-down a better and far more rational person than I am. It doesn't matter if you have a significant other or not, these lessons will be of value to you. They've definitely been of value to me. Although I'm still in the very slow process of learning and living by these things, I keep them close to my head and my heart.
1. Don't get in the way of someone else's happiness.
2. Don't let every single little thing get to you.
3. People will say and do whatever they want to say and do, you can't do anything about it.
He's taught me that I can't control people (something that, yes, I am still learning). People are self-absorbed and they generally don't care if what they say or do hurts your feelings. It's out of our hands. We can let it hurt us or we can drop it, letting people do as they will, but it's our decision if we want to be a part of it or not.
4. Starting a fight isn't worth the uproar.
There have been an infinite amount of times I've been upset about something and confronted the person, resulting in an argument, whether it be a little disagreement or a huge blow-up. He's told me time and time again that starting a fight is not worth the commotion, the yelling, the crying, the endless stirring of harsh words that cannot be unsaid—and every time, he has been correct.
5. There's a line between being a good person and wasting your time.
Being a good person is a great thing, until you are a good person to someone who treats you like less than you deserve, who doesn't appreciate your efforts, who doesn't give you an ounce of respect—that's when it becomes a waste of your time. This is something he has recently taught me, but something I will not soon forget.
6. To get what you want, you have to work it.
He is a perfect example of what it's like to take the road less traveled, to bust your ass to prove yourself to those who are smug about his less than traditional life path. He is one of the hardest workers I know, day in and day out, giving all of himself to his job in order to reach the goals he has made for himself and his company. He hasn't stopped working for his goals and it's not in his plans to.
7. Doing nothing with the one you love can be more fun than going out.
Staying in with him is more fun than going out with my friends for a night I may or may not remember. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with my friends, but I have even more fun with him, no matter what we're doing. Being able to do nothing with someone and still have a great time is truly rare.
8. Loving yourself is a battle you should never stop fighting.
This is something he reminds me on a regular basis. No matter how low you feel, no matter how worthless you think you are, you cannot give up on yourself. There have been times I've given up and he was the only one who was there to force me to pick myself up and get a grip. Hating myself isn't an option, it never was and it never should be. I may not love everything about myself (or much at all), but I'm trying, and that's all thanks to him.
9. Put a smile on and make the most of every event you'd rather not attend.
Whether it be family gatherings, country music concerts, friends' birthday parties—whatever it is, he is truly a champ. He shows up with a smile on, greeting everyone and making the most of every occasion. I could learn a thing or two from him.