Don't get me wrong. My summer internship is incredible, but once in a while I get a little... distracted. I have weak moments where I find myself in the middle of something that nothing to do with my job. Sometimes I'm waiting for the coffee to kick in on Monday morning or 5 p.m. is just not coming fast enough.
1) Make or get coffee.
My office building has a coffee maker and I was taught how to use it on the first day. Five cups a day should be enough for just me, right? Can't rush it though, taking your time ensures the perfect brew and the CEO is very picky.
2) Check my Email
Nobody even knows I have a work email and after checking my empty inbox for the 53rd time, you would think I would stop checking. But it takes almost 10 minutes each time I login and I would hate to miss any important memos.
3) Make grocery lists
I'm out of diet coke and pretzel chips. I've got to write it down while I'm thinking about it. I'll forget otherwise and that's just not okay, okay?
4) Check the time
I can see the time on my watch, computer, and my office phone and I still spend a decent amount of time figuring out how much longer I have until I can go back to wearing sweat pants and watching Netflix. "In two more hours, I'll have five more hours."
5) Bug people on the company instant messenger
I get creative when coming up with questions to ask my boss. "Where are the staples? Oh. In the office supply closet? That's weird." Sometimes I even ask if we can make the company picnic a kegger. All very important items of business.
6) Rearrange my desk
I like to reorganize things often enough that I can't find anything. Gotta stay on my toes and keep it interesting. I haven't been able to find paper clips for almost a week.
7) Read motivational quotes from Pinterest
Common searches include Steve Jobs, Oprah, Walt Disney, and Beyoncé of course.
8) Calculate how much I should make in order to survive the month
The only math I ever do willingly. I've done this often and repetitively. The numbers stay the same but I check again sometimes, just in case I misplaced a decimal point and will actually make a lot more than I thought (or, a lot less).
9) Make a list of things to buy with my paycheck
No matter what time of year it is, I'm always thinking about the next birthday present I'm going to buy myself. Who cares if it isn't for another 8 months? Money is the motivation.
Oh, would you look at that. It's time for another cup of coffee.