For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a face full of freckles. Not to mention my arms, shoulders, and legs too. To many outsiders (non-freckled folk) these natural spots come across as adorable and quirky. Yes, this is true—our freckles do make us adorable, and most of us are as quirky as they come. But with a face full of freckles comes a lot of annoyances as well. Here’s just a taste of all the things myself and my freckly friends experience daily.
No, You Can’t Count Them
If I had a dollar for every time someone tried to count how many freckles I had, asked me if I’ve ever counted them, or made an estimate on the amount of cumulative freckles I had….let me just tell you, I would not be struggling to pay my college tuition. Whether or not those asking me these questions thought I would produce a logical answer, is beyond me. Should I say, “Yes, please do put your fingers all over my face”? Or maybe, “Of course I’ve counted them before! It’s not like I have anything better to do!”? Honestly people, it’s an impossible task and not a fun one I’d imagine, so why keep asking?
The Ginger
If you’re a freckly person and you have even the slightest bit of red in your hair, you are automatically deemed to be without a soul. Middle school was most likely not an enjoyable time for you (at least, a worse time than everyone else) if you are in this boat.
Sunblock. Always.
If it is the middle of January and the sun is out for an hour, you’d better believe you’re protecting those freckles.
You Don’t Tan, You Freckle
Each day at the beach or pool is like mating season for your freckles. A strange analogy, but if you have freckles, you know how accurate it is. Spend the day at the beach? Sounds fun! Expect about 500 more freckles on your body by the end of the day.
Speaking Of New Freckles…
You can always spot them. You’re almost always on the lookout for a new freckle, and sometimes they show up at the most random times. Like in December, for example.
“Angel Kisses”
If you have freckles, you almost definitely know what this term means. As a kid, chances are your mom or grandma or some member of your family would assure you that the spots on your face were just “kisses from angels.” They were, in fact, not the Chicken Pox like everyone at school was insisting they were.
Foundation? Concealer? Both are impossible to use. When applying makeup, you either have one of two moods: you want to hide them all or you don’t want to hide any of them. Trying to cover up your blemishes but not your freckles is an everyday struggle.
Connect The Dots Has A Completely Different Meaning
You’ve either played it on yourself (guilty), or your friends or siblings have tried to play it on you. Furthermore, you probably found out the hard way the pen/sharpie isn’t the easiest thing to get off of your fair skin.
You Can’t Get Enough Of Them
Despite the plethora of annoying comments, nicknames, and daily experiences you will endure, you still love your freckles. They make you unique! Not to mention they are starting to become a trending fashion statement. No matter the cost or consequences, your freckles are definitely your favorite feature!