Before taking on your new and adventurous journey as a college student, there are a handful of things you should know, both socially and academically. By using these clever tricks from the start, you’ll be one step ahead of other students!
1. Arrange a “Roommate Contract” with your RA and roommate(s).
Whether choosing to room with a friend or going random, boundariesneed to be set. You and your roommate(s) could end up being inseparable first semester. But, what if they borrowed and accidentally stained your favorite pair of shoes, or ate all your food? In efforts to make living together as easy and manageable as possible, a roommate contract will keep everyone on the same page at all times. It’s better to be safe than sorry!
2. Go to Office Hours.
In the moment, you might think hanging with friends is more of a priority than meeting with your Professor. I go to class, what’s the need, right? By meeting with your Professor during their scheduled office hours, it shows that you care about your grades because of the time and effort that you put into it. They might even raise your grade from a B+ to an A-, which makes a huge difference and may determine whether you make Dean’s List, or even pass the class.
3. Find your niche.
You’ve probably heard it a hundred times already, but here is something for everyone, whether it is a club, sports team or Greek life. Most schools have fairs at the beginning of first semester, which allows you to get a glimpse of all the vast options. Don’t be afraid to sign up and get involved. Don’t knock it until you try it!
4. Do your part in group projects.
In the past, you may have been able to take a seat on the passenger’s side and let other group members take control and do most of the work. If that sounds like you in high school, I’m sorry to tell you, college is a different game. It will be much harder to convince Professors you’re prepared if you’re not, and either you or your whole group’s grade will drop. Don’t go burning bridges!
5. Establish your personal study spot.
I can save you the trial and error and let you know that doing your work will take a lot more time in a loud and distracting environment. College and University campuses provide so many different places such as libraries, study rooms, lounges, and cafés that are low volume and perfect for studying or doing homework. You’ll be surprised just how much you can get accomplished when in the right environment.
6. Be friendly and openminded.
Unfortunately, not everyone knows you like they do in your hometown or like your childhood friends and your family. So, when meeting new people, be kind and be friendly because first impressions are everything. Turn your charm on!
7. Read your course syllabi.
Your syllabi are the key to your course success. Without reading it, how would you know that your Professor deducts points off your grade after a certain number of absences, or when that big paper is due. Read your syllabus and you wont run into any of the many dreaded nightmares.
8. Maintain a good laundry schedule.
You’re away from the nest now, and mom and dad will no longer be taking care of your laundry. With such a busy schedule, you’ll be surprised just how fast your dirty laundry will pile up. Maintain a good laundry schedule! You’ll thank yourself when you only have a few loads taking you a couple hours, rather than numerous loads taking almost a full day of your time. I recommend picking laundry days and times that are obscure for other students, that way you’re not waiting for a washer or dryer if dorming!
9. The "freshman 15" is REAL.
Many colleges and universities today have several dining halls as well as other restaurants and convenient stores located on campus where you can grab a bite to eat. Moreover, it is likely that you may begin to eat more than you did while home. Why not take advantage of the various foods offered? Even while balancing academics and busy social schedules, it is immensely important to lead a healthy lifestyle. That means picking the salad over the pizza every so often, hitting the gym, or even taking the long way to class. There are so many simple ways to prevent the undesirable and fearful “Freshman 15”; you just have to be aware of all your options!
You can do well in school in addition to having fun. No one said it was easy, but these tips will make it a whole lot easier. Just remember to take advantage of any opportunity that will get you closer to the better version of yourself and have fun while doing it! Good luck!