9 Things Every Alabama Girl Has In Her Closet For Game Day | The Odyssey Online
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9 Things Every Alabama Girl Has In Her Closet For Game Day

9 Things Every Alabama Girl Has In Her Closet For Game Day
Photo provided by Madeline Lee.

At UA, just about everything is done bigger and better than anything you’ve experienced before coming to college. The tailgates are no joke; we go all out and might even throw in a plasma TV in our gameday tent with chefs catering it-- who knows! When you are the best, you’ve got to look the best, and that doesn’t just go for the tailgates.

On game days, especially, every Alabama fan you see is dressed to the nines. Rain or shine, we’re wearing our best outfits. As you continue to look around at every girl and their fashion forward ensemble, you’ll realize that for the most part we all share the same style. It’s like everyone got together and talked about their favorite items of clothing and just had to buy them. These items, ladies and gentlemen, are the essentials every girl needs to survive game days at The University of Alabama:

1. T-Shirts and Leggings

I don’t know about you, but I don’t wake up looking gorgeous. It takes time and preparation. And usually, that starts with a cup of coffee. While running to go get my grande iced coffee with soy, prepping my face and doing my hair, I don’t want to chance getting foundation on my outfit, so I’ll throw on a simple ‘Bama t-shirt and leggings.

My favorite are these leggings and light hoodie from VS PINK! I throw this on and go anywhere on campus hours before tailgating in school spirit mode. And when the game starts, and this is what you’ll see every girl wearing. It’s cute and trendy, but you can be comfortable too. Once again, they’re essentials.

2. Crimson, White and Black Dresses

Each girl that's planning on ever attending a game day at UA must have at least one of these. Most likely, she has all three in 12 different styles.

3. Shakers

Because screaming isn't enough. We've got to have a way to be even louder, and shakers are the perfect Alabama tradition to do just that.

4. Cowboy Boots and Wedges

There's not one game day that will go by that you won't see at least one girl in cowboy boots. They're just a must. They go with pretty much everything and give your outfit a southern flare. Although they may not be the comfiest to walk to the stadium, you can take comfort in knowing that at least 100 other girls are right there with you. Just like cowboy boots, wedges may not be the most pleasant shoe to walk around in all day, but as they say, fashion hurts.

5. White Converse

Why? Because they go with everything. Whether it's a t-shirt dress, shorts and a top, or that Alabama jersey you decided to wear, they'll keep your feet happy and you look cute while doing it.

6. Game Day Pin and Jersey

Every girl has one. Whether it's the coach's face, your sorority, or a funny little line about beating the other team pinned right on top of their crimson dress are game day pins you come to love and can't go without. For those game days when it's raining or you just can't seem to find the adorable dress you wanted to wear, the go-to outfit is always a big Alabama jersey and shorts. What better way to represent your team than having on the same jersey as the man on the field scoring all the touchdowns?

7. Rainboots

Rain or shine nothing stops Bama fans from going to a game and cheering on their team! Add a pair of rain boots to keep your feet dry and even boot socks for comfort in Alabama crimson.

8. Sunglasses

Yes, the heat is sweltering and the sun only shines as bright as it can. So naturally, each girl has to have a pair of fashionable sunglasses. Aviators are a solid choice, but try a cute a cat eye or circular shape for a bubbly, fun look.

9. Wrap Necklaces

They come in every color of the rainbow and odds are we've got them all. They're simple beaded necklaces that pull an outfit together instantly. Just as you're questioning your whole outfit and can't seem to figure out what it's missing, you put on that wrap necklace and voilà! Your outfit becomes a perfect 10!

Getting ready for football season couldn’t be more fun with these items in your closet. Try out a few and never be afraid to mix and match with other statement pieces you might find along the way. Happy hunting!

PINK embodies the energy, excitement, and fun of college life. Offering pretty and playful intimates, loungewear, beauty, and activewear, PINK has become a collegiate staple, instantly recognizable and coveted by girls all around the world.

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